Nexus Writer architecture

Nexus writer architecture

  1. Redis Subscriber
    • Subscriber
    • NexusScanWriter
    • NexusSessionWriter
  2. Synchronization primitives
    • HubTrigger
    • Lock/Rlock
    • ThreadResource
    • Event
    • Queue
    • Thread
    • Launcher
    • AsyncResult

Redis subscriber

class Subscriber


Process events of one Redis node

Uses classes for listening (gevent architecture)


Event listener and consumer can run in different modes:

  • Sequential: listening and consuming happens sequentially in 1 greenlet
  • Concurrent: 1 listener greenlet and 1 consumer greenlet (+ queue)
  • Parallel (when GIL released in consumer): 2 threads (one for the listener greenlet and one for the consumer greenlet) or 1 thread (listener greenlet runs in the start thread)

Redis subscriber

class Subscriber




node: Redis node (thread/greenlet safe)

info: Redis node info


start(wait=False, timeout=None): INIT -> ON

stop(wait=False, timeout=None): ON -> OFF

kill(wait=False, timeout=None): ON -> FAULT

join(timeout=None): wait until finished (OFF or FAULT)

done(): finished?

duration(): listening time

Redis subscriber

class Subscriber


Synchronization primitives


Launcher: to execute functions in the start thread

gevent.Queue (concurrent): queue in listener and dequeue in consumer (same thread)

Queue (parallel): queue in listener and dequeue in consumer (different threads)

Thread (parallel): to execute functions in the listener and consumer thread

Redis subscriber

class NexusScanWriter(Subscriber)


Process events of one Scan node


Consumer saves Scan data in Nexus compliant HDF5 format


When running in parallel mode, HDF5 writing (consumer) and Redis event reception (listener) run in parallel (h5py releases the GIL on IO).

Redis subscriber

class NexusSessionWriter(Subscriber)


Process events of one Session node


Runs in sequential mode (1 greenlet in the start thread)


Consumer starts a NexusScanWriter in parallel mode for every new scan. It uses one Thread for the consumer greenlets of all scans. The listener greenlets run in the start thread.


A NexusWriter Tango device manages one NexusSessionWriter which is started in the MainThread (server runs in green mode).

NexusWriterService servername --log=info --logfile=...

Synchronization primitives



Primitives that can be shared across threads and greenlets:

Lock, RLock, Event and Queue


Execute function in another thread:

HubTrigger (without arguments and result)

Launcher (with arguments and result)

Synchronization primitives

class HubTrigger


Trigger function executing in a Hub from any thread.

No arguments passing or receiving result/exception.



__init__(func, blocking=False)

send(): causes func to be executed in the hub of the instantiating thread (spawns a greenlet for execution when blocking==False)


Synchronization primitives

threading.Lock: protect against coalescence of triggers

Synchronization primitives

class Lock


Can be acquired once by only one greenlet (across threads)



acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None)



Synchronization primitives



Remark: "loop + gevent.sleep" when acquiring (only location where I have to do this)

Synchronization primitives

class RLock


Can be acquired multiple times by only one greenlet (across threads)



acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None)



Synchronization primitives


ThreadResource(gevent.lock.RLock): one gevent RLock per thread

Synchronization primitives

class ThreadResource


Resource that dies with the thread and can be accessed in other threads



__init__(init_resource): function to generate the resource
get(): retrieve or create/cache resource for the current thread
pop(): remove the resource for the current thread (if cached)
__iter__(): loop over all thread resources


Synchronization primitives

WeakKeyDictionary: weakref(thread) -> resource
Lock: protect WeakKeyDictionary

Synchronization primitives

class Event


Shared across threads and greenlets







Synchronization primitives

Lock: protect send and clear (as multiple events are involved)
ThreadResource((gevent.event.Event, HubTrigger(ev.set)))

Synchronization primitives

class Queue


Shared across threads and greenlets






Synchronization primitives

Lock: protect the queue+event
Event: notify the getters of a new item

Synchronization primitives

class Thread


Has methods to execute functions in this thread from any thread.


Has a stop mechanism.


Result or exception from the thread's main function can be retrieved.

Synchronization primitives

class Thread




start(wait=True, timeout=None)

stop(wait=True, timeout=None)


get(timeout=None): like join but return value or raise exception

spawn(run=func, *args, **kwargs)

apply(func, *args, **kwargs)

apply_async(func, *args, **kwargs): returns AsyncResult

Synchronization primitives

class Thread


Synchronization primitives


Launcher: to queue execution in this thread
Event: for start and stop

Synchronization primitives

class Launcher


Execute a function in the instantiating thread from any thread.
Pass arguments and retrieve return value or raise exception.



apply(func, *args, **kwargs)

apply_async(func, *args, **kwargs): returns AsyncResult


Synchronization primitives

Queue: tasks enqueued by apply or apply_sync
HubTrigger: dequeue and execution in the instantiating thread

AsyncResult: result of apply_async

Synchronization primitives

class AsyncResult


Shared across threads and greenlets



set(result): can be an exception

get(timeout=None): raise when result is an exception


Synchronization primitives

Event: notify getters

Nexus Writer architecture

By woutdenolf

Nexus Writer architecture

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