Easy Ways of Editing and Proofreading An Essay

Whether you are writing a simple assignment, novel, review, or an essay of any type. For an essay writer, It is important to know some basic rules of editing and proofreading. When it comes to essay writing, even simple grammar and punctuation mistakes can easily affect your grades. Before heading towards the most important ways to keep in mind for editing and proofreading. First, it is important to know the difference between these two terms.

Difference Between Editing And Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are two different tasks that are required to be undertaken after finishing the wriitng process.

Editing is about revising to improve the overall piece fo writing. This step involves checking if the paper includes the required sections such as the introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion. Does the information properly flow from one point to another? Are the ideas written in a well-defined and clear manner? Does the paper meet the required word count? Have you removed the redundant information etc.


Proofreading is about looking at the piece of writing one more time to find spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. This step takes place after the editing process with the purpose of picking mistakes missed in the editing process. Although students can partly proofread the paper in between the wriitng process. But it is essential to leave the main proofreading step until finishing the writing and editing process.

Read on to find some of the simplest and important ways of editing and proofreading and make sure to submit a pitch-perfect paper.

Take A Break

Once you are done with the writing, take a break and get back to the paper with fresh eyes. In this way, you will be fully focused and will have a clear head. After a break, you will be able to see your work with a completely new perspective and the mistakes will be more apparent and easier to catch.

Read Your Essay Aloud

Another handly proofreading technique is reading your paper aloud. In this way, it will be easier for you to determine the skipped words and sentence structures that are not making sense.

Do not Completely Rely On Grammar and Spell Checkers

It is a good practice to always run a grammar and spell checker to find out some most obvious language mistakes. However, you should not completely rely on these tools and always manually check your paper before submitting it.

Edit And Proofread On Hardcopy

Even professional editors and proofreaders prefer to review their work on a hard copy rather than on the computer screen. Take a print of your essay and read the content slowly and highlight the points that need corrections.

Ask Some For Feedback

You can also hand over your work to someone else to read and provide you feedback. In this way, you can improve your overall piece of wriitng.

Editing and proofreading is an important skill to be learned and effectively tackle your writing tasks and assignments. Usually, you will not have enough time to rewrite your papers to make sure they are as close to perfect as possible. So, if you are short on time and unable to write a craft a perfect final draft, it is better to go for a legitimate essay writing service and get a professional editor and proofreader on your side to edit and proofread your paper for you.

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By stacey strong

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