Getting started with ReactPHP

    Cees-Jan Kiewiet

  • @WyriHaximus
  • ReactPHP Team member
  • Sculpin Team member
  • Lead Software Engineer at 



Why ReactPHP

Building a sample app:

  • Analyzes hostnames
  • Looks up IP address
  • Fetches page title
  • Fetches GeoIP

Demo time!


  • react/event-loop
  • league/event
  • react/http
  • react/filesystem
  • react/dns
  • wyrihaximus/react-guzzle-ring
  • clue/sse-react
  • reactjs

All available at:


(Just a little bit of it)

var React = require('react');

var state = {};
state['title'] = '';
state['ip'] = '';
state['geo'] = '';

var getState = function () {
    return state;

var AppComponent = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
        return getState();
    onChange: function(e) {
        if ( == '') {

        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
        request.onreadystatechange = function () {};'GET', '/lookup.json?host=' +, true);
        request.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
    render: function () {
        return <div className="grid-container">
            <input onChange={this.onChange} />
                <div className="grid-50">
                <div className="grid-50">
                <div className="grid-100">
    componentDidMount: function () {
        var es = new EventSource('sse');
        es.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
            var message = JSON.parse(;

            state[message.type] = message.payload;

module.exports = AppComponent;


  • read/write streams
  • timers
  • future/next ticks

use React\EventLoop\Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$loop = Factory::create();


Setting up the event loop

Any questions about this bit?

  • Event loop 
  • Event listeners
  • Filesystem
  • HTTP server
  • DNS lookups
  • HTTP Client


Adding listeners

$emitter = new Emitter();

    new TitleListener($emitter, $loop, $dns)
    new DnsListener($emitter, $dns)
    new GeoListener($emitter, $guzzle, $dns)
    new ChannelListener($emitter, $channel)

Any questions about this bit?

  • Event loop 
  • Event listeners 
  • Filesystem
  • HTTP server
  • DNS lookups
  • HTTP Client


  • currently using EIO (ext-eio)
  • utilizing threads to perform operations
  • simple yet very powerful API


Work in Progress!!!

define('WEBROOT', __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'webroot');

$filesystem = Filesystem::create($loop);
$files = $filesystem->dir(WEBROOT)->ls();

Listing all files to serv

Any questions about this bit?

  • Event loop 
  • Event listeners 
  • Filesystem 
  • HTTP server
  • DNS lookups
  • HTTP Client


  • simple HTTP server
  • build on streams

$socket = new SocketServer($loop);
$http = new HttpServer($socket, $loop);

$http->on('request', new ResponseHandler(


Setting up the HTTP server

public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response) {
    if ($request->getPath() == self::SSE_PATH) {
        $this->handleSse($request, $response);

    if ($request->getPath() == self::LOOKED_PATH) {
        $this->handleLookup($response, $request->getQuery()['host']);

    $this->files->then(function (\SplObjectStorage $files) use ($request, $response) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if ($file->getPath() == WEBROOT . $request->getPath()) {
                $this->handleFile($file, $response);

            $this->filesystem->file(WEBROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '404.txt'),

Setting up request handling

protected function handleFile(File $file, Response $response)
    if (isset($this->filesContents[$file->getPath()])) {
        return $this->filesContents[$file->getPath()];

    $file->getContents()->then(function ($contents) use ($file) {
        $this->filesContents[$file->getPath()] = $contents;

        return $file->close()->then(function () use ($contents) {
            return $contents;
    })->then(function ($fileContents) use ($response) {

Handling file fetch

protected function handleLookup(Response $response, $hostName)
    $this->emitter->emit('lookup', $hostName);

Emitting the hookup event

protected function handleSse(Request $request, Response $response)
    $headers = $request->getHeaders();
    $id = isset($headers['Last-Event-ID']) ? $headers['Last-Event-ID'] : null;

    $response->writeHead(200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/event-stream'));
    $this->channel->connect($response, $id);

    $response->on('close', function () use ($response) {

Handling SSE


namespace WyriHaximus\React\Examples\HostnameAnalyzer;

use Clue\React\Sse\BufferedChannel;
use League\Event\Emitter;
use React\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use React\Filesystem\Node\File;
use React\Http\Request;
use React\Http\Response;
use React\Promise\RejectedPromise;

class ResponseHandler
    const LOOKED_PATH = '/lookup';
    const SSE_PATH = '/sse';

    protected $files;

     * @var Filesystem
    protected $filesystem;

     * @var Emitter
    protected $emitter;

     * @var BufferedChannel
    protected $channel;

    protected $filesContents = [];

    public function __construct($files, Filesystem $filesystem, Emitter $emitter, BufferedChannel $channel)
        $this->files = $files;
        $this->filesystem = $filesystem;
        $this->emitter = $emitter;
        $this->channel = $channel;

    public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response) {
        if ($request->getPath() == self::SSE_PATH) {
            $this->handleSse($request, $request);

        if ($request->getPath() == self::LOOKED_PATH) {
            $this->handleLookup($response, $request->getQuery()['host']);

        $this->files->then(function (\SplObjectStorage $files) use ($request, $response) {

            foreach ($files as $file) {
                if ($file->getPath() == WEBROOT . $request->getPath()) {
                    $this->handleFile($file, $response);

            $this->handleFile($this->filesystem->file(WEBROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '404.txt'), $response);

    protected function handleFile(File $file, Response $response)
        if (isset($this->filesContents[$file->getPath()])) {
            return $this->filesContents[$file->getPath()];

        $file->getContents()->then(function ($contents) use ($file) {
            $this->filesContents[$file->getPath()] = $contents;

            return $file->close()->then(function () use ($contents) {
                return $contents;
        })->then(function ($fileContents) use ($response) {

    protected function handleLookup(Response $response, $hostName)
        $this->emitter->emit('lookup', $hostName);
        $this->handleFile($this->filesystem->file(WEBROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lookup.json'), $response);

    protected function handleSse(Request $request, Response $response)
        $headers = $request->getHeaders();
        $id = isset($headers['Last-Event-ID']) ? $headers['Last-Event-ID'] : null;

        $response->writeHead(200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/event-stream'));
        $this->channel->connect($response, $id);

        $response->on('close', function () use ($response) {

Any questions about this bit?

  • Event loop 
  • Event listeners 
  • Filesystem 
  • HTTP server 
  • DNS lookups
  • HTTP Client


  • Resolves hostnames to IP addresses
  • Picks a random IP address from Round-robin
$dns = (new \React\Dns\Resolver\Factory())->createCached('', $loop);

Setting up the resolver

$this->resolver->resolve($hostname)->then(function ($ip) {
    $this->emitter->emit('ip', $ip);
    $this->emitter->emit('sse', [
        'type' => 'dns',
        'payload' => $ip,

Resolving an IP address


namespace WyriHaximus\React\Examples\HostnameAnalyzer\Listeners;

use League\Event\Emitter;
use League\Event\ListenerAcceptorInterface;
use League\Event\ListenerProviderInterface;
use React\Dns\Resolver\Resolver;

class DnsListener implements ListenerProviderInterface
     * @var Emitter
    protected $emitter;

     * @var Resolver
    protected $resolver;

    public function __construct(Emitter $emitter, Resolver $resolver)
        $this->emitter = $emitter;
        $this->resolver = $resolver;

    public function provideListeners(ListenerAcceptorInterface $acceptor)
        $acceptor->addListener('lookup', function ($event, $hostname) {
            $this->resolver->resolve($hostname)->then(function ($ip) {
                $this->emitter->emit('ip', $ip);
                $this->emitter->emit('sse', [
                    'type' => 'dns',
                    'payload' => $ip,

Any questions about this bit?

  • Event loop 
  • Event listeners 
  • Filesystem 
  • HTTP server 
  • DNS lookups 
  • HTTP Client



  • Bridging react/http-client into Guzzle
  • Resulting in a clean highlevel API
$guzzle = new Client([
    'handler' => new HttpClientAdapter($loop, null, $dns),

Setting up Guzzle

$this->client->get('http://' . $hostname . '/', [
    'future' => true,
])->then(function (Response $response) {
    if (preg_match(
    ) && isset($matches[1])) {
        $title = $matches[1];
        $this->emitter->emit('sse', [
            'type' => 'title',
            'payload' => $title,

Fetching the title of the page


namespace WyriHaximus\React\Examples\HostnameAnalyzer\Listeners;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Message\Response;
use League\Event\Emitter;
use League\Event\ListenerAcceptorInterface;
use League\Event\ListenerProviderInterface;

class TitleListener implements ListenerProviderInterface
     * @var Emitter
    protected $emitter;

     * @var Client
    protected $client;

     * @param Client $client
    public function __construct(Emitter $emitter, CLient $client)
        $this->emitter = $emitter;
        $this->client = $client;

    public function provideListeners(ListenerAcceptorInterface $acceptor)
        $acceptor->addListener('lookup', function ($event, $hostname) {
            $this->client->get('http://' . $hostname . '/', [
                'future' => true,
            ])->then(function (Response $response) {
                if (preg_match('/<title>(.+)<\/title>/', $response->getBody()->getContents(), $matches) && isset($matches[1])) {
                    $title = $matches[1];
                    $this->emitter->emit('sse', [
                        'type' => 'title',
                        'payload' => $title,
$this->client->get('' . $ip, [
    'future' => true,
])->then(function (Response $response) {
    $this->emitter->emit('sse', [
        'type' => 'geo',
        'payload' => $response->json(),

Fetching GeoIP


namespace WyriHaximus\React\Examples\HostnameAnalyzer\Listeners;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Message\Response;
use League\Event\Emitter;
use League\Event\ListenerAcceptorInterface;
use League\Event\ListenerProviderInterface;

class GeoListener implements ListenerProviderInterface
     * @var Emitter
    protected $emitter;

     * @var Client
    protected $client;

     * @param Client $client
    public function __construct(Emitter $emitter, CLient $client)
        $this->emitter = $emitter;
        $this->client = $client;

    public function provideListeners(ListenerAcceptorInterface $acceptor)
        $acceptor->addListener('ip', function ($event, $ip) {
            $this->client->get('' . $ip, [
                'future' => true,
            ])->then(function (Response $response) {
                $this->emitter->emit('sse', [
                    'type' => 'geo',
                    'payload' => $response->json(),

Any questions about this bit?

  • Event loop 
  • Event listeners 
  • Filesystem 
  • HTTP server 
  • DNS lookups 
  • HTTP Client 


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Getting started with ReactPHP (010PHP)

By wyrihaximus

Getting started with ReactPHP (010PHP)

  • 2,269