Deploy Django to Heroku

What is Heroku?
Heroku is a cloud platform that lets companies build, deliver, monitor and scale apps — we're the fastest way to go from idea to URL, bypassing all those infrastructure headaches.
The name "Heroku" is a portmanteau of "heroic" and "haiku"
Native Supported Languages

- Started Ruby-only in 2007
- Purchased by Salesforce in 2010
- Also runs Docker containers (i.e. .NET Core)
Minimal Requirements
- Source Code (Django Polls Project)
- Pipfile (or requirements.txt)
- runtime.txt
- Procfile - Describes Dynos
Dyno Got-chas
- No Local Disk Storage
- 512MB Slug Size for free tier
- Dynos Rebooted once per day
- 1500 lines log history
- < 10,000 rows Postgres
- Other Limits
# /Users/jalexander/.local/bin/hp
heroku $@ -a prod-app-name
# Use "hp" as "alias" to heroku ... -a prod-app-name
# e.g. hp pg:info -a prod-app-name
- Web and Worker apps can be run from single Dyno
Step by Step Reference
Deploy Django to Heroku
By James Alexander
Deploy Django to Heroku
- 1,295