Angular in Large-Scale Projects


Some Advice

Yaprak Ayazoglu


Web Developer Student Club Meetup

15th of Jan, 2020

Freelance Frontend Engineer

Yaprak Ayazoglu


  • Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies
  • Living in NL

I am...

  • Consultant @ING

Yaprak Ayazoglu


  • Build solar and hydrogen powered cars
  • Worked in military industry
  • Studied Computer Engineering - Cloud Computing (M.S.)

How did I become a FE dev?

  • Studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.S.)
  • FE dev (>7 years)

I like...

Use 3D

STEM for toddlers

Use 3D

STEM for toddlers

Learning to learn

  • Self taught

  • JQuery -> Knockout JS -> Angular(JS) -> React -> Vue (JavaScript)

  • Docker -> Kubernetes

  • Git

  • Mocha, Sinon, Protactor, Cypress IO

  • Lighthouse (Performance tests)

  • NodeJS

  • REST, GraphQL

  • ...


  • Software team culture and structure

  • Angular

How does a team look like?

  • It depends on the team and company :D

    • Self-steering

    • Product based

    • E-commerce

    • Fintech

  • Scrum


  • FE framework

  • One way to build a project

  • All you need is there

    • Router

    • Form handling

    • RxJS

    • Typescript

    • CLI

    • Web Component (Angular Elements)

  • A longer learning curve

Wrap up

  • Learn to how to learn

  • Enjoy doing it

  • Keep an eye open with the new development

  • Angular is a powerful FE framework to build large-scale applications

Thank you...

Yaprak Ayazoglu


Web Developer Student Club Meetup, Delft

15th of Jan, 2019

Angular In Large Scale Projects

By Yaprak Ayazoglu

Angular In Large Scale Projects

  • 1,109