
By Yassine AL HAREK 193027

What is DirectX?

  • Owned by Microsoft.
  • Created in 1995.
  • contains a set of librairies Direct3D, DirectInput and DirectSound .. DirectX box (XBox)

Why Does Everyone Use DirectX?

  • On Windows, DirectX graphics drivers are better maintained than the OpenGL graphics drivers
  • Game developers get less bug reports
  • Microsoft initiated a fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) campaign against OpenGL around the release of Windows Vista, giving the impression that Windows Vista would remove support for OpenGL
  • Misleading Marketing Campaigns on the jump from DirectX9 to DirectX10, they only tweaked the config file making people believe that it was an enormous change

Why should we use OpenGL?

  • It is more powerful than DirectX
    • has a faster draw calls
    • direct access to all new graphics features (The tesselation technology that Microsoft is heavily promoting for DirectX 11 has been an OpenGL extension for three years)
  • Cross-platform
    • Even on windows the latest DirectX versions are not supported in Windows XP (1/2 of windows users have XP)
  • Microsoft monopoly (means no competition) on gaming would be very bad for both gamers and game developers.

Thank you for your attention

OpenGl Vs Directx

By Yassine Al Harek

OpenGl Vs Directx

  • 781