Quantum Computing

Schrödinger's Laptop?

Eating Couscous

Bungee Jumping


That's Impossible

Quantum Computers


Many theoretical states at once.

instead of using a normal


we use



What are Qubits?

it's a photon used as an information unit.
  In a classical system, a bit would have to be in one state or the other, but quantum mechanics allows the qubit to be in a superposition of both states at the same time, a property which is fundamental to quantum computing.

The "normal" bit



a Qubit 

Could be in 3 possible states 
1 or 0 or BOTH ! 

The Both state can be modelized as such:

Huge difference

if 1 qubit can give us 2 possibilities
2 qubits would give us 4 possibilities
and 3 give 8 possibilities

N qubits give 2 N possibilities!


As soon as someone tries to look into the qubit it becomes unreadable

Cool security feature though


What about the people actually allowed to see those infos?



Indirect Observation

Useful Application

In 2010, they broke the encryption and it took them 3 years to do that as for a quantum computer it would take


Useful Applications

  • Physical modelling (climate, economics, engineering ..)
  • Simulations (chemistry, materials ..)
  • Databases search (bioinformatics ..)

Quantum Computing

By Yassine Al Harek

Quantum Computing

  • 525