Photo of Victoria by Brandon Godfrey
[CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
the MOD(ularity) Squad
hello world!
- programming was...
- single programmer
- single code base
- single language
- deployment was...
- single machine
- single location
sizeof(world) == 1
hello world! (today)
- programming is...
- ecosystems of teams
- open source communities
- full stack development
- deployment is...
- distributed systems
- virtual machines & clouds
sizeof(world) >= 1
- cloud computing was...
- mega data centers
- centralized
- semi-atonomous zones
- deployment was...
- compromising privacy laws
- sensitive to hidden latency
- challenging to coordinate
- cloud computing is...
- micro data centers
- distributed
- global scale
- deployment is...
- location aware
- lightweight isolation
- low cost composition
MOD(ularity) Squad at UVic
- researching policies, mechanisms, and tools to make today's development practices and deployment seamless
- building and testing next generation platforms for research and exploration
- Oceans Network Canada (UVic)
- Urthecast (Vancouver, San Francisco)
distributed cloud computing
- isolated containers explicitly composed on a global scale
- aligns with innovation in teaching, and UVic has been agile enough to respond!
CSC 101: Untangling the Web
- andragogy (adult learning) versus pedagogy
- topdown, project-based
- start with collaborative workflows and tools
- GitHub
- a familiar application theme
- Digital Marketing, Web apps, Google Analytics
- modern cloud-based containers
- Amazon Web Services,
- modern tools for development and composition
- full stack, Web-based IDEs
UVic most agile BC University
- CSC 101 is a Pilot Project to streamline entry into the tech sector
- Evening course, offered downtown Victoria
- "Retraining" people already in the workforce
- women with 5-10 years work experience
- In partnership with
- Government of British Columbia
- City of Victoria, Department of Civic Engagement
- VIATEC, Fort Tectoria
- Faculty of Engineering, UVic
- Department of Computer Science, UVic
- Continuing Studies, UVic
The MOD(ularity) Squad
By Yvonne
The MOD(ularity) Squad
For Peggy's road trip!
- 868