Untangling the Web
Part Deux... (Tecc102) Building Web Apps!
Tonight: Front end fabulous, CityVibes! and other apps!
Oct 14: [fort!] Iterate: design and prototypes
Oct 21: [UVic!] Hackathon!
Oct 28: [fort!] Showcase!!!
- How was Startup SLAM?
- New Moodle!
- Great work on landscapes!
- Hello WORLD!
- who we all are!
So Far...
- wow, connecting GitHub with Nitrous...
- KILLER overview video of ALL technologies (thank you Christina!)
Web Traffic Analytics
- what it is
- how to introduce it to a webpage
- A/B testing... (lots more to do, ad words, SEO)
Tools used in Customer Discovery (Erin's toolkit!)
- managing leads (sendwithus)
- connecting apps (zapier)...
Agile processes
- SCRUM! prototyping
Tools we have on the go...
- we are attracted to things that are
- "Free"!
- Relevant to industry
- Cloud based (include storage)
- FUN!!!!! :)
- so far, these include
Google Analytics
- for monitoring web traffic
GitHub (and Git!)
- managing collaboration on digital assets
- serving up our web pages and backend! :)
- Others?
Google Analytics
We are a team!
- small but mighty!
- learning to be agile (http://www.allaboutagile.com/what-is-agile-10-key-principles/)
- over the next 4 weeks we will learn by doing!
- different people will go different paces
- teams of 3-4 (or more!)
- this is going to be nutty...
- but fun!
- in the world of "agile processes" developers work closely with stakeholders and iterate on features...
- CityVibes has Heather and the City to talk to!
- we can do other apps too!!!
- workflows, teams, integration will be similar!
front-end web development
- technologies used by your "browser"
- HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, libraries
- design patterns, user interface techniques and reactive strategies
- Model, View, Controller
- peak at the "MEAN" stack
- modern production environments, tools and mobile friendly technologies
- continuous integration
- GitHub, Nitrous.io (or others!)
- web versus native and hybrid apps
- technologies used by your "browser"
Basically ignoring this for NOW!
- what do we need on the server?
- how is the data managed/integrated?
- how is privacy handled?
- ...
- interesting!
- definitely a whirl wind of technology involved
- cloud computing is a bonus
- CIO of CIA at big cloud conference this month
- AWS set up a "region" for CIA!
- we are going to hit that in Nov! (final module!) :)
Agile but not Fragile!
- See more at: http://www.allaboutagile.com/agile-principle-4-agile-requirements-are-barely-sufficient/#sthash.4p0vGDcb.dpuf
Story boards for user interaction
- think big (for down the road!)
- but also narrow the scope!
- we only have 2 weeks... you have no time! :)
- what features can you "mock up" in the front end?!
- "wireframe" (lots of tools)
Agile and Elephants...
traditional software development
the (simplified) lifecycle is Analyze, Develop, Test
- first gather requirements for the whole product, then develop all elements of the software, then test that the entire product
the (simplified) lifecycle is Analyze, Develop, Test
agile software development,
the cycle is Analyze, Develop, Test; REPEAT!
- doing each step for each feature
- one feature at a time
- See more at: http://www.allaboutagile.com/agile-principle-5-how-do-you-eat-an-elephant/#sthash.F3qSjbLb.dpuf
the cycle is Analyze, Develop, Test; REPEAT!
In the spirit of agile...
- low cost way of getting a landing page up and going!!!
wireframing tools can build you a quick front end!
- look and feel are there...
- typically the "smarts" (JavaScript) are not!
Web apps and Angry Birds
back in 2011...
- Web app, Angry Birds for Chrome, was hacked and all levels were unlocked...
- what happened?
- was this backend (server) or frontend (browser)?
back in 2011...
- Wes Bos knew his way around the browser, and looked in "developer tools"...
- made a change to the way the JavaScript code was handling the data
//omy, what is this doing?!?!?!
for (var i = 0; i < = 69; i++) {
localStorage.setItem('level_star_' + i, '3');
//how about this one?!
for (var i = 0; i < = 69; i++) {
localStorage.setItem('level_star_' + i, '-1');
//w3 schools example! http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_webstorage_local_clickcount
<!DOCTYPE html>
function clickCounter() {
if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
if (localStorage.clickcount) {
localStorage.clickcount = Number(localStorage.clickcount)+1;
} else {
localStorage.clickcount = 1;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "You have clicked the button " +
localStorage.clickcount + " time(s).";
} else {
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not
support web storage...";
<p><button onclick="clickCounter()" type="button">Click me!</button></p>
<div id="result"></div>
<p>Click the button to see the counter increase.</p>
<p>Close the browser tab (or window), and try again, and the counter will continue to count (is not reset).</p>
Our App: CityVibes!
GitHub and Git!
- social coding
- lots done at the command line...
- we will get there
- some of you already have!
- basic concepts
- clone a repository (from GitHub)
- create branches to make changes for new features
- commit changes to a branch
- pull changes into a branch
- merge content
- push changes to another branch
GitHub and Git!
- the shared repository is on GitHub
- important branches kept up to date here!
- you clone it and work locally, using Git
- create new branches for new features
- merge and throw branches away!
- PUSH from the local copy to the shared server
IDEs have integration
- there is a button in Nitrous.io to integrate!
- set up access (a few gymnastics!)
- then use the command line to be pulling code into the webserver from GitHub!!!!
UTW: Building Web Apps
By Yvonne
UTW: Building Web Apps
Part DEUX of Untangling the Web!!!
- 1,307