
Spark Partitioners

  • Each RDD is divided into partitions. 
    • One partition per worker (core)
  • After manipulations (such as filter()) some partitions can shrink to zero and some might be very large
    • This means that future work is not balanced across the workers.
  • If RDD consists of (key,value) pairs we can use a partitioner to redistribute the items among the workers

Types of partitioners

  • HashPartitioner(n):  divide the keys into n groups at random. Divide the pairs according to their keys
  • RangePartitioner(n): each partition corresponds to a range of key values, so that each range contains approximately the same number of items (keys).  
  • Custom Partitioner:
    define a partitioner that maps key K to integer I.
    n= number of partitions. 
    pair with key K placed in partition I mod n

Custom Partition Example


  • The RDD abstraction does not allow direct access to subcollections of an RDD.
  • glom() breaks the abstraction. It transforms the local partition into a list which can be operated on by standard python operations.
  • A single partition can be operated on as a regular python list.
  • RDD.glom() returns a new RDD in which each element is a list containing all of the elements in a single partition.

glom() : returns an RDD with one array per partition.

Allows the worker to access all data in it's partition.

    .map(lambda x: (2*x,x)) \
    .partitionBy(10) \
    .glom() # One list per key \

print A.getNumPartitions()

def variation(B):
    if len(B)>1: 
        for i in range(len(B)-1):
            d+=abs(B[i+1][1]-B[i][1]) # access the glomed RDD that is now a  list
        return (B[0][0],len(B),d)
        return(None) B: variation(B)).collect()
print output
[(0, 200000, 999995), None, (2, 200000, 999995), None, 
 (4, 200000, 999995), None, (6, 200000, 999995), None, 
 (8, 200000, 999995), None]


By Yoav Freund


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