Why do we believe in this project ?

#fundraising #nonprofit service for charities. #fintech


#fundraising for charities is costly. We want to make it efficient

For nonprofit charities:

-  We want to lower the cost to raise donation for projects.

For donators:
- Make it easy, secure and trustworthy for donators to allow charities to be more efficient in their core mission.

For websites:

- Make it easy to add a fundraising service to you website or your app.

Why do we believe in this project ?

#fundraising #nonprofit service for charities. #fintech



In Madrid. Spain

Click your country or language to follow-us on twitter






#fundraising #nonprofit service for charities. #fintech


- We are a zero commission #fundraising service for charities

- We are ourselves a #fintech charity

- We depend on Open Source developers and project sponsors to develop the service worldwide.

- We are pre-production for API service.

- Pilot project is in Madrid, Spain. Paris came next.


#fundraising #nonprofit service for charities. #fintech


This document is intended for front-end (Javascript, Angular JS / Vue JS) or backend (Golang) developers and project sponsors.


GitHub for service description: https://github.com/YoQuieroAyudar/





fundraising API user widget 



- Add fundraising to your website in seconds

- More than 200 world charities listed! Free for them to be listed.

- Account creation with email activation.

- Login/ Logout with remenber me.

- Charity listing. e-Wallet crediting

- Select charity and donate with your e-wallet

- Collaborate! vueJS language Open source  on Github

- Video introduction or sponsor

Click to test


Add #fundraising plugin to your web



- Copy - paste to insert in your web and start fundraising now

- Check here: https://github.com/YoQuieroAyudar/fundraising-API-user-widget/wiki​

- Collaborate! vueJS language Open source  on Github

Click to test

#fundraising #nonprofit service

API Endpoints



For Spanish speaking charities: https://api.microhuchasolidaria.org/version

For French speaking charities: 


For all other languages: 


#fundraising #nonprofit service

Charity user donation process



86% of the backend service API is coded. In the next slides:

stands for a working api endpoint

stands for work in progress api endpoint.
#23 is issue number in project private GIT.

#fundraising #nonprofit service

Natural user registration


Registration mail sent

User login


User validation -> User activated

Modify password

Natural user login with Android mobile app or Postman collection


Recover password

User login



#fundraising #nonprofit service

Natural user registration


Natural social user login with Facebook

Accept Facebook

Charity listing


#fundraising #nonprofit service

ASSO synchronising  (admin only)

Charity listing


Twitter sync


Login as admin


Charity listing


Natural user donation process

User login


User credit its e-wallet


e-wallet crediting  email sent

User browse ASSO


Select ASSO



Optional: Scan a QR code

Make a donation



Donation transfered from user wallet to ASSO wallet.
No VAT applies

Donation email sent to ASSO

#fundraising #nonprofit service

New Donation direct service. Direct fundraising for a charity

User login


Make a donation



Donation transfered from user wallet to ASSO wallet.
No VAT applies

Donation email sent to ASSO

#fundraising #nonprofit service

Natural user registration


#fundraising #nonprofit service

How can you help?

In Madrid

>Sponsor our non profit charity



>Help-us coding

Charity listing


Natural user fiscal certificate process

App User login


Charity donation service

Get total donations for ASSO


Request fiscal certificate


Backend IWantToHelp #fundraising API

By Yo Quiero Ayudar

Backend IWantToHelp #fundraising API

nonprofit #fundraising service for charities. #fintech

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