Final Project

Discussion of the class setting

in Academic ESL Lesson - Creative Writing

Group 1


化工二 4103065017 林彥丞

資工一 4104056009 洪浩祐

森林一 4104033132 朱達仁

外文二 4103012068 張語軒

環工二 4103063018 劉奕萱

森林一 4104033011 俞鈜文

環工一 4104063055 李子陽

In order

Facts of the lesson

Part I

Question 1

What are goals for students in this course?

And what is the content in this course?

Goals of this course

  • cultivate students speech skills. 
  • Improve students’ writing ability.

First part

Important factors for excellent speech

  • Eye-contact
  • be confident
  • Interesting content

Preliminary draft

Second part

Improve creative writing

  • put students into four groups
  • make students to write a poem 
  • by using personification

In the end of the class

  • give homework about preliminary draft
  • homework must hand in next class

Who are the students?

Question 2

Who are the students?

  • Korean students
  • college students like us
  • English level might be at competent level

Who is the instructor?

Question 3

Who is the instuctor?

  • mature woman
  • native speaker
  • lots of experience in teaching
  • easygoing


Part II

How does the instructor put into practice the theory of SLA?

Question 4

Project-based learning

   A project-based classroom allows students to investigate questions, propose hypotheses and explanations, discuss their ideas, challenge the ideas of others, and try out new ideas.

 (Marx et al., 2004; Rivet & Krajcik, 2004; William & Linn, 2003)

At the beginning of the class, the teacher shows the students a presentation about presentation, stating that it's about their final project.

But we can only know it's about some essay/research because the video was edited

Key Features of PBL

  1. They start with a driving question, a problem to be solved.
  2. Students explore the driving question by participating in authentic, situated inquiry – processes of problem solving that are central to expert performance in the discipline. As students explore the driving question, they learn and apply important ideas in the discipline.
  3. Students, teachers, and community members engage in collaborative activities to find solutions to the driving question. This mirrors the complex social situation of expert problem solving.
  4. While engaged in the inquiry process, students are scaffolding with learning technologies that help them participate in activities normally beyond their ability.
  5. Students create a set of tangible products that address the driving question. These are shared artifacts, publicly accessible external representations of the class’s learning.

Blumenfeld et al., 1991; Krajcik, et al., 1994; Krajcik, Czerniak, & Berger, 2002

Student-centered pedagogy

We can see that the teacher put emphasis on the students. The main purpose of this lesson is to introduce them the idea of creative writing. Let them discuss about the example poems (in group).

 And then give them opportunity to output (individual).

poem of the classroom

group reading/discussion

write their own poem

Reading out loud their works

He is dropping out of the camera because he mistook "discussing" to be "disgusting" . Haha^^

Have a look!

What is the technology incorporated into

the classroom?

Question 5

"Work sheets" are used in this class

to show the teaching materials (poem) to the students /

and to let them "output" their own thoughts 

Projector is used in this class


Part III

Creative Writing

teaching method?


How does the instructor teach with the technology?

How do the students learn with the technology?

Question 6,7

The Use of Technology

projection screen

(overhead projector)





interactive whiteboard

online dictionary

peer editing

always giving instructions 

passive learning

Our Solution

Part IV

What technology we expect to add in the class ?

Question 8




  1. Computers
  2. online resources
  • focus: everyone can see easily what teacher is showing. 
  • online platform : place to provide informations,documents,links...everything
  • everyone should have computers


  • work efficiently: students can do much more creatively 

online resources

  • accessment : Internet allows every member in the class to learn or teach differently.
  • opportunities: discussions not only happened in the classroom
  • everywhere: students can do what they want to do with mobile phone

How does this technology facilitate L2 development ?

Question 9


online recourses

project-based learning 

student-cantered pedagogy


 facilitate project-based learning

  1. Construct learning scheme
  2. Integrate and detail the process of learning
  3. Speed up the efficiency of learning
  4. Let the students still can communicate and discuss after class

facilitate student-centered pedagogy

  1. Provide platforms for students to discuss
  2. Solve the problem with information online
  3. Develop the habit of independent problem-solving

How does teacher use these ways to change the teaching method ?

Question 10

What should the teacher do ?

  1. let students write at home
  2. let them share ideas and help to find out problems

if the teacher allow students to write at home,

                                                        she should...

  • ​introduce the project before the class
  • provide  some examples
  • inspire student with some activities

let them share ideas and help to find out problems

1.set a class for students to discuss their work

2.join in the discussion and help them find the mistakes of their work student how to solve their problems and students ought to fix the problem on their own. 


  • Project-Based Learning
                                                                                  (Joseph S. Krajcik and Phyllis C.Blumenfeld)
    In  The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences
                                                                                                                      (R. Keith Sawyer - 2005)

Thanks for your attention!

SLA Final Project

By Hao-You Hung

SLA Final Project

by Group1 of Multimedia and Second Language Acquisition

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