Should We Kill Homework?
Zach Cresswell
Mt. Pleasant High School
Twitter: @z_cress
Exploring the role of homework in the modern math classroom.
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About Zach
My Motivation
Calvin's take on homework
Homework - Definitions
- Independent Practice
- Prep work (watch video, do reading)
- Reflection and Asynchronous Conversation
- Activities
The case for homework
- If we want to get better at something, we need to practice it
- It doesn't take much - the compound effect
- An in-person class can be more effective if students come to class with an experience to build on
- Doing work independently, without a teacher present, teaches time-management and problem-solving persistence
- Curriculum time constraints
The case against homework
- Isn't a school day enough time?
- If every teacher gives homework, that's a lot of time from the evening
- Students, especially in high school, have other responsibilities
- Many students simply won't do it (or they'll copy the answers)
- The home life of the student may not be conducive to doing homework, resulting in them falling behind their peers
- Parents often can't help
What did I miss?
Your Intuitions
- What's your current philosophy/practice regarding homework?
- What problems do you have with your current policy/approach?
- Are there any creative approaches to homework that you think are worth sharing? (This could also be ways in which you've completely avoided assigning homework.)
- What's the best kind of homework?
The Moral Question(s)
- Do we have the right to demand that a student uses his/her time outside of school for the purposes of our class?
- What do we do with the fact that assigning homework will almost certainly create an unequal outcome between our students?
Closing Thoughts
Thoughts from the backchannel
The Research
Go here (my highlights):
Or here (publication link):
- It's a multilevel problem
- For instance, there's a negative association for the individual but positive for the school/classroom
- The success or failure of homework depends on your values/goals
- Frequency seems to have a bigger impact than volume (on student achievement)
- Correlation versus Causation
My thoughts
Questions, comments or feedback?
Thank for attending!
Zach Cresswell
Mt. Pleasant High School
Twitter: @z_cress
Please fill out the online feedback form.
Should we kill homework?
By Zach Cresswell
Should we kill homework?
In this session we'll be exploring how the lecture fits into math teaching in 2019.
- 948