Why do I need to know code?

What is possible? 

Front-end web programming crash course


Zach Saucier

The web is awesome.

  • Anyone can publish
  • It's cheap to build things
  • Everyone has it
  • Having many copies is cheap 
  • It gives you design super powers


You don’t have to be a developer.

...but you need some idea of what is possible/relatively easy to do.

Purposes of the Web

  • Relationships
  • Information
  • Transactions
  • Entertainment

What we want the Web to be

What the Web is

Unique characteristics about the Web

  • Media
  • Dynamic content
  • Fit to screen
  • Cross platform
  • Animatable




The purpose, planning, or intention that exists or is thought to exist behind an action, fact, or material object.

In other words, it's being intentional.

The web needs you.

Developers need you.

I need you.

...but you also need me :)

So what is possible?

What commonalities among sites did you see?

What is different from the types of design you've done before?

Unique characteristics about the web

  • Media
  • Dynamic content
  • Fit to screen
  • Cross platform
  • Animatable

How the (front-end) web works

HTML (hyper text markup language) = Skeleton

CSS (cascading style sheets) = Skin, hair, etc.

JS (JavaScript) = Muscles

The only way to understand is to do.

This is not an exhaustive course.


Think of 3 website ideas that may be worth pursuing

My info



Why and what of web dev

By Zach Saucier

Why and what of web dev

The first lesson in my web development crash course. For the full post go to http://zachsaucier.com/blog/blog/2015/09/26/the-why-and-what-of-web-development/

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