A Dominion of Domains

Zainab Ali


I should code this

Jam Time!

festivalAction :: StateT Game IO ()
festivalAction =
  plusActions 2
    >> plusBuy 1
    >> plusGold 2

How can we —

  • Generate the description?
  • Validate that it is playable?
  • Ensure it preserves cards?
  • Ensure it is unique?

One repr to rule them all

A representation that interprets to

  • An evaluator
  • A description
  • A data type
  • The evaluator
  • The description
  • The data type



Towards an eDSL

Design a domain specific language that is embedded in Haskell.

Interpret this to

  • An evaluator
  • A description

An Initial Attempt

data Exp = Lit Int | Add Exp Exp
-- 1 + 2 + 3
exp = Add (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 2)) (Lit 3)
eval :: Exp -> Int
eval (Lit i) = i
eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y

eval exp
-- 6
pretty :: Exp -> String
pretty (Lit i) = show i
pretty (Add x y) = "("
  ++ pretty x ++ " + "
  ++ pretty y ++ ")"

pretty exp
-- "((1 + 2) + 3)"


data MinusExp = Minus MinusExp MinusExp | Wrap Exp
-- (1 - 2) + 3
exp = Add (Minus (Wrap (Lit 1)) (Wrap (Lit 2)))
          (Lit 3)
 -- Couldn't match expected type ‘Exp’ with 
 -- actual type ‘MinusExp’

A Final Attempt

class IntSYM repr where
  lit :: Int -> repr
  (+) :: repr -> repr -> repr
-- 1 + 2 + 3
expr :: IntSYM repr => repr
expr = (lit 1 + lit 2) + lit 3


class MinusSYM repr where
  (-) :: repr -> repr -> repr
-- 1 - 2 + 3
expr :: (IntSYM repr, MulSYM repr) => repr
expr = (lit 1 - lit 2) + (lit 3)

A Final Interpreter

instance IntSYM Int where
  lit = id
  (+) = (Prelude.+)

eval :: Int -> Int
eval = id
eval expr
-- 6

Pretty printer

instance IntSYM String where
  lit = show
  x + y = "(" ++ x ++ " + " ++ y ++ ")"

pretty :: String -> String
pretty = id
pretty expr
-- "((1 + 2) + 3)"
action + lit 2
buy + lit 1
gold + lit 2


class ResourceSYM repr where
  action :: repr
  buy :: repr
  gold :: repr
plusTwoActions :: (IntSYM repr,
                   ResourceSYM repr) => repr
plusTwoActions = action + lit 2


instance IntSYM (StateT Game IO ()) where
   lit i = ?nonsense

Invalid Expressions

lit 1
gold + gold
lit 1 + 1

A modification is a resource and a function that modifies it


lit 1 :: repr Int
(+ lit 1) :: repr Int -> repr Int
action + lit 1 :: repr ()
action :: repr ?hmm


action :: repr (Lens Game Int)


class StatementSYM repr where
  modify :: repr (Lens Game Int)
            -> (repr Int -> repr Int)
            -> repr ()
modify action (+ lit 1)
modify (lit 1) (+ lit 1)
modify gold gold 
  -- do not compile


instance IntSYM (StateT Game IO Int) where
   lit i = pure i
instance ResourceSYM
          (StateT Game IO (Lens Game Int)) where
   action = pure actionLens
instance StatementSYM (StateT Game IO) where
    modify mlens f = do lens <- mlens
                         next <- f (use lens)
                         S.modify (set lens next)
plusTwoActions :: (
  ResourceSYM (repr (Lens Game Int)),
  IntSYM (repr Int),
  StatementSYM repr) => repr ()
plusTwoActions = modify action (+ lit 2)
eval plusTwoActions 
 -- StateT Game IO ()


(<>) :: repr -> repr -> repr
  <> plusOneBuy
  <> plusTwoGold
festival :: (
  ResourceSYM (repr (Lens Game Int)),
  IntSYM (repr Int),
  StatementSYM repr,
  Semigroup (repr ())) => repr ()
festival =
    <> plusOneBuy
    <> plusTwoGold
class (
  ResourceSYM ...
  Semigroup (repr ())) => ActionSYM repr
festival :: ActionSYM repr => repr

So far —

  • eDSLs
  • Using data types
  • Using type classes
  • Extension
  • Composition
  • Types
  • Existing type classes

Moving cards

pick a card that costs less than 5 from the supply pile and put it into the discard pile

class MoveSYM repr where
  pick :: repr (Lens Game [Card])
          -> (repr Card -> repr Bool)
          -> repr Card

  put :: repr Card
         -> repr (Lens Game [Card])
         -> repr ()
class BoolSYM repr where
  (<) :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Bool
class CardSYM repr where
  cost :: repr Int
class PileSYM repr where
  supply :: repr
  discard :: repr
instance IntSYM (StateT Game IO Int) ...
instance BoolSYM (StateT Game IO a) ...
instance CardSYM (StateT Game IO a) ...

These should not be stateful

Embedded languages

pick a card that costs less than 5 from the supply pile and put it into the discard pile

Card Predicates

class (CardSYM repr, 
       BoolSYM repr, 
       IntSYM (repr Int)) => CardPSYM repr
cardpEval :: (Card -> Bool) -> (Card -> Bool)
cardPEval = id
exp :: CardPSYM repr => repr Bool
exp = cost < lit 5
forall repr. CardPSYM repr => repr Bool
data CardPSYMSelf = 
     CardPSYMSelf (forall p. CardPSYM p => p Bool)
class MoveSYM repr where
  pick :: CardPSYMSelf 
          -> repr (Lens Game [Card])
          -> repr Card
data PileSYMSelf =
     PileSYMSelf (forall p. PileSYM p => p)
instance MoveSYM (StateT Game IO) where
  pick (CardPSelf p) (PileSYMSelf pile) =
    do cards <- use pile
       let selection = filter p cards
       card <- chooseOne selection
       pile %= delete card
       return card


workshop = 
  put discard 
       (cost < lit 4)

So far —

  • eDSLs
  • Using type classes
  • Extension & composition
  • Types
  • Embedded terms
  • Pick a Treasure card from your hand.
  • Pick another card that has the value of less than 3 plus the cost of that card
  • Put the card into your hand
  • Put the first card into the trash pile.



pick :: ... repr stack -> repr (Card, stack)
put :: repr (Card, stack) -> repr stack

Track a stack of cards we in flight

class VarSYM repr where
  z :: repr (m, h) m
  s :: repr m a -> repr (any, m) a

Refer to cards within the stack

exp :: repr (Card, a) Card
exp = z -- The card to test
exp :: repr (Card, (Card, a)) Card
exp = s z -- The previous card
exp :: CardPSYM repr => repr (Card, (Card, m)) Bool
exp = cost z < (cost (s z) + lit 4)
class MoveSYM repr where
  pick :: CardPSYMSelf (Card, m)
          -> PileSYMSelf 
          -> repr m a
          -> repr (Card, m) a
  put :: PileSYMSelf 
         -> repr (Card, m) a
         -> repr m a
mine :: MoveSYM repr => repr m () -> repr m ()
mine =
  put trash .
  put hand .
  pick (cost z < (cost (s z) + lit 4)) supply .
  pick (cardType z == cardTypeOf Treasure) hand

Additional type safety

What next?

  • Recursion
  • Control flow
  • Switching context
  • Contextual interpreters
  • Transformations

Read on

Thank you

A Dominion of DomainsA Dominion of Domains

By Zainab Ali

A Dominion of DomainsA Dominion of Domains

This talk explores the domain specific language (DSL) of the deck-building card game Dominion. We will see how actions in the game have their own language, and can be decomposed into many smaller languages. Using Tagless-Final encoding, we will define these each of these DSLs and compose them to create the larger language. We will explore two different mechanisms of composition: extension and embedding. Finally, we will enrich the DSL with a type system that enforces game-specific constraints.

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