Email Services

Main email service provider

  • Protonmail : 7 (54%)
  • Gmail : 2 (15%)
  • Outlook : 2 (15%)
  • Orange : 1 (7%)
  • Free : 1 (7%)

Benchmarking providers ?

Number of emails addresses

Maybe most of you forgot student email address ?


4.7 per person

Total of 61 addresses for 13 people

Do you consider using every functionnality of your email provider ?

On which device do you check your emails

Are you mindful about evironnement impact ?

Are you worried about evironnement impact ?

Carbon footprint

A typical business user generate a total of 135kg of CO2e per year from emails.


  • A spam email : 0.3g CO2e
  • A proper email : 4g CO2e
  • An email with attachment : 50g CO2e

Carbon footprint

Around 62 trillion spam messages are sent every year, requiring the use of 33bn kilowatt hours (KWh) of electricity and causing around 20 million tonnes of CO2e per year.

  • Non-spam 13 640 000 000 000
  •         Spam 48 360 000 000 000

Mail Encryption

Know about mail encryption

Use mail encryption


By Zeecka


  • 889