Digital Global Reserve
What if the a subset of top G10 countries
decided to design and implement
a digital cryptographic currency that is:
- globally available
- legally protected
- superior to BTC
Take the non-military GDP of these economies and give each country shares
according to there size.
USA 16.8 trillion USD
Japan 4.902 trillion USD
Germany 3.635 trillion USD
2 China 9.1
5 France 2.7
6 United Kingdom 2.5
7 Brazil 2.3
8 Russia 2.1
9 Italy 2.0
10 India 1.8
Σ = 50 trillion
How much cash is needed to sustain global economic activity?
What is the current global M1
and what is measurably needed
for 10 billion people to transact by 2045
On setup phase 1 DGR ≅1000USD
The consortium will bankroll the project for 5 years from pre-mined reserves until equilibrium is met.
This is money to facilitate
trans-national and intra-national
National and private assets are protected by property rights as it is now.
- globally available
any entity can setup a node and run a miner.
the USA and nation states will naturally setup mining pools in rough proportion to the current GDP mix.
They will make a gentlemans agreement not to fund private mining investment in their own countries.
or modify electricity prices.
Regardless - that action will be meaningless.
any one can generate an address and control funds.
- legally protected
A treaty will be enacted to protect the rights of entities to use DGR
- superior to BTC
optional government and bank co-key services will be built into the protocol.
the DGR will include other government financial auditing features not currently in BTC.
privacy protection features will be built in that a not currently in BTC.
it will be BTC+
it will have legislated anti 51% attack rules and conventions.
it will have will have government sponsored forensics
If that doesn't get traction
then international banks might do it anyway
International banks may design a fast TX
but slow settlement system that mirrors the existing banking accounts system.
Based on a global block chain.
Creation of GDR can be matched to national monetary policy with no-consistant
proof of work.
Money can be destroyed by sending to address 0 (zero)
BitCoin has acceptance.
What does GDR have?
Global Reserve
By Stevie
Global Reserve
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