Comprehension & Critical Thinking Questions 

From Elie Wiesel's masterpiece, Night




The Jews inside Buna come together for a service to celebrate what ? 

Rosh Hashana  

"The Jewish year was almost over. On the eve of Rosh Hashana, the last day of that cursed year, the entire camp was agitated and everyone of us felt the tension." (66)

Why does Eliezer refuse to bless god's name ? 

Of all the death and suffering he has allowed 

" Why, but why would I bless him? Every fiber in me rebelled. Because he caused thousands of children to burn in his mass graves? Because he kept six crematoria working day and night, including Sabath and the holy day?" (67)

Eliezer thinks man is stronger than who ? 


"Yes, man is stronger, greater than God." (67)

What is the importance of Rosh Hashana ? (66) 

It is the last of the Jewish Year

"The last day of that cursed year" (66)

According to the veterans of Buna, how has the  camp changed in the past few years as far as conditions for the prisoners? (70)

The selection used to be very week and much more brutal. The veterans described the current situation as a paradise compared to the past (70)

"The veterans told us: 'You're lucky to have been brought here so late. Today, this is a paradise compared to what the camp was two years ago...'" (70)

What question is "hotly debated" regarding Yom Kippur ?  (69 )

They were debating whether or not they should fast for the holiday .

          "Should we fast? The question was hotly debated.To fast means   a more certain, more rapid  death."  (Pg.69)


In a better world, Eliezer could imagine a universe without what ? (73)

A world without bells (73)

"Whenever I happen to dream of a better a world, I imagined a universe without a bell." (73)

Why did not Eliezer pray with the others after dinner ? (67)

He felt as though God did not care about his people and as though there were no reason for prayers.

"Why, but why would I bless him? Every fiber in my body rebelled." (67)

What did Eliezer receive from his father after the Selection ? (73)

His father gave him a ration of bread he received from a barter

"My father had a present for me: a hald ration of bread, bartered for something he had found at the depot." (73)

What did the Blockalteste say to the prisoners?   (71)  

To look healthy and run fast because if they appeared weak, they would be sent to the crematorium   

"...But you must try to increase your chances. Before you go into the next room, try to move your limbs, give yourself some color. Don't walk slowly, run ! " (71)

Why are people terrified for their numbers to be called out from the head of the block? (69-70)

No one wanted to go to the crematories

"We sensed something out of the ordinary in the air. The roll call was shorter than usual. We were anxious. An ss would examine us. Whenever he found someone extremely frail- a "muselman" was what he called the inmates- he would write down his number: good for the crematorium."

( 69-70)

Explain why Akiba Drumer went to the crematories ? (77 )

He had lost faith as well as the reason for living 


"Poor Akiba drumer, if only he could have kept his faith in god, if only he could have considered this suffering a divine test, he would not have been swept away by the selection. But as soon as he felt the first chinks in his faith, he lost all incentive to fight and opened the door to death." (77) 

Why do you think no one touched the soup that night in the beginning of the chapter ? (66)

They wanted to pray first because of the selections that were to be held later that night

" We want to wait until after prayer " (66)

Why do you think the man,  that was calling out the prayer, had a voice that sounded "broken?" (67)

Because under his strong voice, he felt that hope was lost but wanted to seem strong for others

"The voice of the officiating inmate had just become audible" (67)

What does Eliezer see and feel with his "eyes wide open?" (68)

Eliezer felt alone with a world without God, he saw a world without man and God. 

"My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man" (68)


By zubaidah farhan