Let's GITtyup!

Wifi: galvanize guest

Text Editor: https://atom.io/

Terminal Commands

  • mkdir - make directory
  • cd - change directory
  • touch - create a file
  • ls - list all files and folders
  • pwd - tell you the current directory

Git Commands

  • git init - Make current directory a git project
  • git add - Track a file for the next version
  • git commit -m "" - Create a new version
  • git status - status of your git project
  • git remote - setup project on GitHub
  • git push - send your project to GitHub

Git  ≠ GitHub

Look for this button

Name your online project and click create






Copy the

"git remote ..." line and paste it in your CLI


Type in Command Line:

git remote -v

Do you see the path to your online GitHub project?

  1. git add <file name>

  2. git commit -m "my commit!"

  3. git push origin master

Git and Github

By Zubair Desai

Git and Github

Git and Github Intro Class - Austin

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