AGOL, Cityworks & Facility IDs



  • Identify solution for generating FACILITYID value in AGOL
  • Determine course of action
  • Determine and assign action steps

Context: Updating Tree Data



West Park & Nash Square Tree Survey

Dix & Pullen Park Tree Surveys

Urban Forestry Survey123 Pilot

Urban Forestry Collector Pilot

Tree Data: Pre-Consolidation

Tree Data: Consolidated

Unified under ESRI Street Tree Inventory Schema

Next Questions:

  • Where to host this authoritative dataset?
    • Currently SDE
    • AGOL moving forward
  • How can field workers update data?
    • Collector
  • How do we make this new tree dataset work with Cityworks?

How do we make this new tree dataset work with Cityworks?

  • Cityworks requires a unique, string ID value.
  • The unique ID cannot be the Global ID
  • AGOL doesn't natively generate unique string IDs
  • Field workers need to be able to add a tree and immediately assign a work order to that feature


Automatically generate a unique string value for FACILITYID when a new feature is added to trees data.


  • Scheduled Python task
  • GeoEvent Server


GeoEvent Server


AGOL, Cityworks & Facility IDs

By maptastik

AGOL, Cityworks & Facility IDs

  • 818