Using Jupyter to generate a data enrichment workflow in response to Hurricane Florence

Ryan Cooper (@maptastik)

GIS Analyst @ City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources

Instructor @ NewMapsPlus, University of Kentucky

Photo credit: NASA

Location Type Damage Type Status Pictures Site Geometry
Park Tree/Vegetation Submitted photo1.jpg Point(x, y)
Greenway Erosion Resolved photo2.jpg Point(x, y)
Location Type Damage Type Status Pictures Site Geometry
Park Tree/Vegetation Submitted photo1.jpg Chavis Park Point(x, y)
Greenway Erosion Resolved photo2.jpg Walnut Creek Point(x, y)
  • ArcGIS Python API
  • psycopg2
  • psycopg2
  • pandas
  • shapely
  • ArcGIS Python API

ArcGIS Online

Using Jupyter to generate a data enrichment workflow in response to Hurricane Florence

By maptastik

Using Jupyter to generate a data enrichment workflow in response to Hurricane Florence

  • 654