We're still getting out of Egypt:
Level 2
The Pharaoh that's Stuck Inside Us
Each Individual
has a personal, preconfigured "Egypt".
Even if he's a spiritual person (no attraction to Materialism).
While society is battling with Materialism,
How often do we
Once a year -- on Passover?
Twice a day -- when we read the Shema?
All the time!
Commemorate the Exodus?
Why are we so obsessed with the Exodus?
'cause we still need to leave Egypt...
Your Very Own Pharaoh
Being stuck in Egypt is when the Evil Inclination grabs hold of the person, and defines the “borders” of his connection with G-d, like Pharaoh did to the Jews.
Whilst you're in Egypt, Pharaoh's got you covered.
- Sometimes submission to the Evil Inclination is voluntary,
- Like it was initially in Egypt when Jews voluntarily recruited themselves for Pharaoh's "projects".
- Soon enough the soul wants out,
- However the person just cannot change / rid of Pharaoh.
Either way, Pharaoh's got you covered.
פרעה = הערף
- Pharaoh makes the person face the wrong direction (the nape).
- Not interested in change.
- No eyes in the back of the neck to recognize reality.
The nape of the neck
מֵיצַרִם = מִצְרַיִם
- Not a single slave could escape Egypt
- Egypt stands for boundaries and confinements
- Whilst in Egypt, you're going nowhere else.
Mitzrayim / Egypt
Meytzarim / Boundaries
ארץ מצרים
The real problem:
Eretz Mitzrayim / The Land of Egypt
ארץ (Land) shares the same root as
- רץ ("ratz" / to run) and
- רוצה ("rotze" / to want)
It's wanting to be under Egyptian rule that makes us run back.
Pharaoh HAD
you covered.
- After the original Exodus from Egypt, no one owes Pharaoh anything anymore.
- The way out has been paved.
- Exodus (including personal liberation from your own perceived limits) is always possible.
Egypt on Every Level
- Dealing with Egypt is not a Pass/Fail.
- Anything stopping you from uniting with the infinite G-d is a layer of Egypt.
- So the ultimate personal exodus can only be experienced in Messianic Times, when all limits will be undone.
The Government
Level 3
A more global application of Leaving Egypt:
"The Exodus from Egypt is a big foundation and a strong pillar in our Torah and our belief" - Sefer Hachinuch, Mitzvah 21.
Pharaoh didn't die - Pirkei D'Rabbi Elazar, Ch. 43: Pharaoh ended up becoming the king of Ninve who features in the story of Jonah
The Jewish People wanting to return to Egypt - Exodus 16:3, Numbers 11:18, Numbers 14:2, Numbers 20:5, Numbers 21:5.
Preferring physical crushing labor under Pharaoh to serving G-d - Numbers 11:5.
The Manna bread was considered by them as "nothing" - Numbers 11:6: "אין כל" -- "There is nothing".
The Exodus will conclude with the Coming of Moshiach - Sefer Hamaamarim 5708 p.159.
Third Temple at the end of the Song of the Sea (שירת הים) - Exodus 15:17: "You will bring them and implant them on the mount of Your heritage, a foundation for Your dwelling place that You, G-d, have made -- a Sanctuary, my L-rd, that Your hands established. G-d shall reign for all eternity." The "Sanctuary" referred to here is the Temple that will be built (By G-d) in future times (when He will reign forever) - Rashi on this verse.
Egypt within the person - Torah Or, Shemot 49d.
Remembering the Exodus from Egypt all the time - Deuteronomy 16:3 "All the days of your life" -- literally.
Pharaoh = Evil Inclination - Igeret Hamusar of the Rambam.
Pharaoh = nape of the neck - Ibid.
מצרים (Egypt) = confinements - Torah Or, Ibid.
ארץ מצרים = wanting Egypt -
Original Exodus from Egypt has enabled religious freedom - Sefer Hamaamarim, ibid.
Egypt on every level - Torah Or, ibid.
All limits will be undone - Talmud, Shabbat 118a.
Synergy between Pharaoh and the Government at the End of Days - based on the general synergy between the Exodus from Egypt and the Final Redemption that's alluded to in the verse "Like the days of your going out of the land of Egypt, will I show him wonders" (Micha 7:15). Also see Pharaoh's Tzaraat and Bereshit Rabba 1:26.
Transformation of Egypt/Pharaoh in the Final Redemption - Sefer Hasichot 5752 Parashat Bo Par. 10-11. Also see Talmud Sanhedrin 59b regarding the Serpent (the embodiment of Evil in this world) which will be an important servant for G-d in the Future Times, noting Pharaoh is compared to a serpent (Ezekiel 29:3).
Jacob's blessing of Pharaoh's welfare - Genesis 47:7.
One should pray for the well-being of the government - Mishna Avot 3:2
Ridding of Pharaoh - Your Personal Limitations
By Itamar Hatzvi
Ridding of Pharaoh - Your Personal Limitations
The battle with Pharaoh hasn't finished with the Splitting of the Sea, but will be completed soon with the Coming of Moshiach: Saying bye-bye to the Pharaoh that's inside.
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