ACM 2nd General Meeting
- Unfortunately they aren't coming
- Attempt to get them to come for a different date
- Can always apply online through their website
- Doesn't hurt to have a resume ready
- Midterms are right around the corn
Some Helpful Tips:
- Get just enough sleep
- Take breaks in between studying
- Eat plenty of food!
- All nighters don't always help!
Table Top Game Night
Event was successful!Was Held on 10/11
- Roughly 30 people came throughout the night
- People played for hours
- Monopoly
- Chess
- Yu-Gi-Oh
- Magic the Gathering
- Bang!
- Risk
Embedded Systems Workshops
Workshops are held every week,
3 times a week
WCH 136
Monday 6:00 -7:00 p.m.
Tuesday 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Friday 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
- There is still room for a few more people
- All sessions cover the same material
ACM ICPC Competition
Manuel Sanchez, Rudresh Amin, Daniel Pasillas
Matthew Underwood, Matthew Uthainatapong, Jeffrey Chen
Harrison Chen, Randy Truong, Andy Hollist

Sears Holdings
What: Sears Holdings Tech Talk
When: Wednesday 10/30
Time and Place: WCH 205/206 7:00-8:30 pm
Free Food Will be Provided!
- They are looking for interns and full-time workers!!
- You should have your Resume ready!
- Insight on the industrial work force in CS
Microsoft Workshop

What: Unity Workshop!
When: Wednesday 11/6
Time and Place: WCH 205/206 4:00-6:00 pm Free Food Will be Provided!
- Bring your laptops with Unity downloaded!
- Full on workshop to make a game with Unity!
- Software is Free!!

- Is there any interest in paintball?
- Open to other orgs in BCOE including outside friends
- Tickets would cover Rental Equipment, and entree fee as a minimum!!
- Date?? TBD - Most likely Winter/Spring
ACM Lockers
- Take out items from lockers by Nov. 1st!
- Any locks not taken off will be cut!
Locks are going to be Rented!
- We will announce when they are available
- First come first serve basis.
- Price is still not established
- Per Quarter Pay
Thanks for Coming!
ACM 2nd General Meeting
ACM 2nd Meeting Fall 2013
By acmucr
ACM 2nd Meeting Fall 2013
- 2,224