ACM 3rd General Meeting Spring
Embedded Systems Workshops
Paint Balling!
If you didn't go, you missed out!
Programming Competition
When: Saturday May 17th
Time: 12pm - 6pm
Where: ACM Clubroom
- Compete in teams of up to 3
- Challenge yourself with interesting problems
- Any undergrad can compete
- Practice session:
- Friday, May 9th 3-5pm WCH 226
- Prizes!
- Beginners welcome
- If interested, bug Miguel at
1st Place: Best Buy Gift Cards + 2nd prize + 3rd prize
2nd Place: ACM T-shirt + 3rd prize
3rd Place: ACM Key Chain
Participation prize: ACM stickers and more*!
Prizes subject to change. *more can also mean nothing
Prizes subject to change. *more can also mean nothing
ACM T-shirts!!
Free for paid members, pick up after meeting (bug Miguel)

Alternate T-shirt Sign ups
Sign up to buy this t-shirt, sign up after meeting (bug Miguel)

Karaoke Night
Miguel's gonna sing, "I Believe I Can Fly"
Miguel also will take requests
So will Manny
BCOE Bowling Tournament
When: Thursday May 15th
Time: 9:30 pm - 12:00 am
Where: Brunswick Moreno Valley Bowl
- Tickets are $12 per person. Teams are made up of up to 5-6 people
- Theme is Super Heroes and Villains
- Penalties if not dressed up!
- Let's form more ACM teams!
- We have 1 team with 1 spot open
- Can form more teams (bug Miguel)
Last Year's Bowling Tourney
ACM Officers to find: Miguel, Sam, Christine, Alex
BCOE Banquet
When: Friday May 23rd
Time: 5:00 - 10:00 pm
Where: WCH 205/206 and Patio
- Come out and celebrate the end of the year banquet
- Price: $15
- Food is provided and there is entertainment!
- UCI might be providing buses if we have over 30 members
- We have 29 members signed up on the Facebook event
- HUGE Hackathon event 750+
Size Comparison:
- Please sign up!
Prize: New ACM T-shirt
Human "Chairs" stand in the middle
Everyone else in a circle around the human chairs
ACM 3rd General Meeting Spring
ACM 3rd General Meeting Spring 2014
By acmucr
ACM 3rd General Meeting Spring 2014
- 1,201