ACM 4th General Meeting Spring
ACM Programming Competition
Number of Participants: 21
Number of Teams: 9
Number of Problems: 3
People to thank for making the event happen: Manny Sanchez, Victor Hill, and Dr. Marek Chrobak
1st Place Winners
Team: Shredder
Members: Alex Gonzales, Zachery Zimmerman, and Matthew Underwood

2nd Place Winner
Team: Pikachu
Member: Frank Hu

3rd Place Winners
Team: Leonardo
Members: Miguel Martinez, Samuel Hong, and Gustavo Blanco

BCOE Banquet
We won the Most Improved Club Award!!!!!
HackUCI Results
Two of our teams placed! Congratulations!

ACM T-shirts!!
Free for ACM paid members until end of the year
Non-member price: $15

*Miguel not included
ACM Social Dinner
Come out and get to know us!
- Date: May 29, 2014
- Time: 7pm
- Location: Buffalo Wild Wings
LAN Party
It's the last ACM event of the year!! Come out and play great games from Dota 2 to Team Fortress 2 to Left 4 Dead 2!!
When: May 30, 2014
Time: 6pm - ??
Where: WCH 226
ACM @ UCR 2013 - 2014
Fall 2013
First Ever Table Top Game Night!
Resume Workshop
Unity Workshop
Sears Holdings Tech Talk
ACM ICPC Programming Competition
Embedded Systems Workshops
ACM Local Hackathon
CS Review Sessions
LAN Party
Winter 2014
Table Top Game Night
Mock Interview Workshop
Embedded Systems Workshop
Google Irvine Office Tour
2D Game Development Workshop
ACM Movie Night
Graduate Panel
ACM/IEEE Faculty Taco Night
ACM Google Mixer
Citrus Hack
Haagen Daz Fundraiser
CS 12 Review Session
LAN Party
Spring 2014
Unity Workshop
Table Top Game Night
GameSpawn Workshop
ACM/IEEE Movie Night
Hike to the C
Paint Balling
Karaoke Night
Hacker Monthly
ACM Programming Competition
CS 14 Review Session
LAN Party
Gather into groups of 4-6 people
Share stories that you have about Miguel, good or bad
Cry (mandatory)
Write a collaborative goodbye card for Miguel to take to New York, where he'll be spending the rest of his life...

Real Icebreaker
(not sure if good ice breaker, maybe change later)
Split into groups of 4-6 people you don't know!
Compose a list about the past year of what you liked about ACM, what you disliked from ACM, what certain officers did right, what we did incorrectly, how the new board can improve next year.
Discuss and write down how we can grow as a club and encourage new members to join, or more succinctly: "how to trap people into ACM" -Alexander Gonzalez, 5/13/2014
Members Only Raffle
buy raffle tickets
2012-2013 T-shirt
2013-2014 T-shirt
Facebook Like Magnet + Sticker
ACM Key Chain
Google ThermosAndroid Plushie + Android Lego
Miguel Raffle
Miguel's Amazon Backpack
Miguel's Beard
Miguel's ID card
Grand Prize : A date with Miguel ;)
ACM 4th General Meeting Spring
ACM 4th General Meeting Spring 2014
By acmucr
ACM 4th General Meeting Spring 2014
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