ACM 4th General Meeting
ACM @ UCR Fall 2013
- Android
- iOS
- Web Application
Teams: Will be groups of 3-5
Judges: Victor Hill, Miguel Martinez, Tony Albor, TBA
100 Total Points
Execution & Functionality - 25 Points
Complexity - 25 Points
Ingenuity - 25 Points
Design & Presentation - 25 Points
Prizes: Facebook Swag, BestBuy Gift Cards
1st Place: 3 First Picks, (Remaining) Fourth Picks
2nd Place: 2 Second Picks, (Remaining) Fifth Picks
3rd Place: 1 Third Pick, (Remaining) Sixth Picks
There will be prizes just for participating
Embedded Systems Workshop
Location: WCH 136
Current Times:
- Mondays 6-7
- Tuesdays 5-6
- Fridays 6-7
Winter 2013:
Sessions will run until 11/26
Feel Free to come if you haven't previously!
Video of a student
End of Quarter Review Sessions
Doodle Polls
Required participation of at least 25
So encourage your friends to participate
CS 10:
CS 12:
CS 14:
Will E-mail the links
Lan party
Download anything else through Steam
Lockers for rent
- Locks will be provided
- Per quarter/yearly basis
- Sign up at: TBD (Check your emails)
- Cost: $10
Winter 2014
- Table Top Game Night Winter 2014
- ACM/IEEE Taco's with Professors
- Amazon Tour (Irvine)
- Paintball Tournament
- Tickets will cost $10
- T-shirt Designs for 2013-2014 year
- Mock Interviews
- Embedded Systems Workshop
- Other Ideas?
Ice breaker:
Two Truths and a Lie
Split into Groups of 5 people that you don't know
ACM 4th General Meeting Fall 2013
By acmucr
ACM 4th General Meeting Fall 2013
- 2,323