ACM@UCR final general meeting

- Debriefing: Local Programming Competition/E-Week/Mesa Night/Dodgeball Tournament
- Thoughts and updates on Web Workshop
- Lan Party this Friday 5pm - ?
- T-Shirt Designs due tonight
- New Officer Elections coming up
- Volunteers needed for lower-division tutoring sessions
- Position Available assisting with CS online course
Debriefing: Programming Competition
- Held on Saturday, Feb. 23rd from noon to 5pm
- 10 teams, 22 attendees
- Special thanks for Victor Hill, Marek Chrobak, Neal Young, and Li Yan for assistance
- Thanks to Justin Kahal and Gabriel Limon
- Congratulations to winners: Team Mueller, Team Chen, Team Amin
Debriefing: Mesa Night and E-Week
- Engineer's Week was Feb 17th - 22nd
- We tabled Wednesday and Thursday
- Wednesday Night was Mesa Night
- Got kids and parents interested in CS related fields
- Thanks Dan Langridge and Chris Mueller for helping out
- Thanks Chris Mueller, Gabriel Limon, and Brandon Huyhn for letting us use your projects or gadgets to show off
- Thanks Christine Hawley and Tina Wang for the new sexier poster board
Debriefing: BCOE Dodgeball Tournament
- Thursday night of E-Week (Feb 21st) was BCOE Dodgeball Tournament
- Thanks to everyone who signed up and represented ACM
- We didn't win this time so we need to adjust our head tracking algorithms!
- Also, feel free to organize sporting events with your ACM friends. That's what those jerseys are for.
Web Workshop Updates
- In progress, starting beginning of next quarter
- If you signed up, expect a bunch of emails soon and if you haven't signed up, please do
- Thinking about structure, frequency, content
- Ideally, I'd like it to be:
- Twice a week
- Hour long periods. First half is an introduction to new technology. Later half is optional working time to ask me questions and play around
- Self-paced. All material will be available from start, but I'll cover it on a scheduled basis
- Recorded for others to look back on later
- Thoughts?
Lan Party Reminder
- Our Lan Party will be this Friday, March 8th, from 5pm to some unknown time
- (Pre-emptive) Thanks to Grant Brady for volunteering to setup the systems
- You might be asked to move computers or move down to one of the other lab rooms while we do setup. We might start setting up as early as Thursday so be aware.
- Feel free to bring your own laptop with all of your cool Steam Games
- Games provided will be (tentatively) L4D2 and TF2
- Food will be provided. IEEE will provide Energy Drinks.
T-Shirt Designs Due Tonight
- If you have a design for the new ACM T-Shirt, please submit it by tonight before midnight
- We will email a poll to everyone about the designs and ask members to vote on them
New Officer Elections
- At either or next or next-next general meeting, we want to hold Officer Elections
- Officers that must be replaced:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Membership Coordinator
- All positions are up for grab, so if you're interested, you need to let us know RIGHT NOW
- This is to make the transition for new officers easy and to hopefully guarantee people who care take over ACM
- If you are interested in any position, please let us know via email or posting on our facebook page
Volunteers needed for Lower-Division CS Course Tutoring
- We haven't heard a lot of feedback from the lower division classes, but we're likely doing tutoring sessions for CS 10/12/14/61/120A this quarter
- If you want to help hold a tutoring session, please let us know
- If you want us to hold a tutoring session for your class, let both us and your professor know so we can set it up
Position Available for Online CS Course Assistant
- Professors Linard and Miller are currently looking for assistants to help them with tasks related to the online CS course they'll be hosting next quarter
- You don't need anything but a CS10/2 level experience so this is a great position for beginners
- If you are interested, please email for more information
ACM @ UCR final general meeting
acm final general meeting winter 13
By acmucr
acm final general meeting winter 13
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