acm@UCR first general Meeting
*Meeting held every even Tuesday 5-6 @ WCH 205/6
- Recurring Events
- Social Events
- Fundraisers
- Lab cleanup
- E-Week
- DevOps Seminar
- Web workshop
- Technical Office Hours
- Passing the baton
Recurring Events
- ACM@UCR Lan Party
- Week 9 (Friday, March 8)
- In ACM Clubroom (WCH 226)
- Starts at 5PM (can change)
- There will be pizza
- Everyone is welcome!
- Local Programming Competition
- Shooting for Week 5 or 6, probably on a weekend
- Prizes unofficial as of today
- Allowed languages: C/C++, Java
- Compete in solving algorithmic problems chosen by professors
Social Events
- Chess Tournament (w/ the Chess Club@UCR)
- Planning for sometime around Week 6-7 (2/11 - 2/22)
- Must be a minimum of 6 teams for tournament to happen
- Teams consist of three members
- Tournament will be single or double elimination depending on amount of teams
- If interested, send an email to
- Planning to have official fundraising events after midterms
- Considered locations:
- Boba Teahouse
- Rubio's
- Lollicup
- Yogurtland
- Jafang's
- If you have any preferences or better suggestions, please email
ACM Lab Cleanup
- Lab is getting dirty again, so let's clean it up
- Week 4: Friday, February 1st
- Plan:
- Show up to clubroom at 5PM and start cleaning
- Optionally help clean downstairs labs to help systems group
- Go hang out at The Getaway afterwards
- This will be re-announced and officialized in the next meeting
Engineers Week (E-Week)
Engineers Week celebrates the positive contributions engineers make to society and is a catalyst for outreach across the country to kids and adults alike. Engineers Week is part of many corporate and government cultures and is celebrated on every U.S. engineering college campus.- National Engineers Week Foundation
E-WEEK Details
- The Week of February 17th - 23rd
- Most likely in MSE Breezeway or outside of WCH
- We're making a new display because the posterboard is old and outdated
- If you would like to have your projects/contributions/research added to this new display, please send them to us by February 1st
- Either speak to chair personally or email with a subject including [E-WEEK]
DevOps Seminars
- Development and Operations seminars
- Held by Victor Hill, lead Systems Admin for the CS department
- Dates unofficial
- Learn the thought processes, best practices, and tools used in real-world development and systems administration
- A great opportunity to jump into setting up personal servers and developing sanely
- Familiarize yourself with basic unix/linux before attending
"How do I shot Web(sites)?" - An end-to-End look at building websites
- Not official until there are at least 20 signups
- Email
- Topics planned to be covered:
- Running websites on localhost
- Purchasing a domain/server
- Templating languages
- A look at the backend: PHP/JS/Python/Ruby
- Storing data: SQL/NOSQL/Amazon AWS
- HTTP servers
Technical Office Hours
- We'd like to hold a sort of "office hours" time where anyone can come in and ask questions about various CS problems they're having and what to do
- These would be open to everyone to come to
- If it becomes popular, we could possibly get Victor Hill to attend and share his knowledge
- If interested, email with [OH] included in the subject
Passing the Baton
- Spring quarter is coming up soon and some members of the ACM Officers will be moving
- Now is the time to start preparing your campaign if you'd like to take over as a future officer of ACM
- A good idea would be to get in contact with the current officer who you'd like to take over for
- Remember, you can contact them easily by emailing
Special Mentions
- Gabriel Limon has started a project called "forker" and is looking for people to join the team
From the Github Page:
Forker will be a website where programmers can collaborate socially and with code. It's an attempt to combine both the social and professional aspects of software development.
- For more info, email him at
acm first general meeting winter 13
By acmucr
acm first general meeting winter 13
- 2,455