2nd General Meeting
Spring 2013

*Meetings on Tuesdays of odd weeks from 6-7pm
- Riverside Startup Weekend Reminder
- SWE Evening with Industry
- BCoE Bowling Tournament
- Jafang's Fundraiser
- Programming Competition
- LAN Party
Chess Tournament
- BCoE End-of-Year Banquet
Riverside Startup Weekend
- May 3rd - 5th @ Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts (This weekend)
- Free bus ride w/ UCR Student ID
- Great opportunity to network
- Great way to build your resume with a quick project
- Sponsored by UCR: 50% discount for students
- Still looking for UCR participants
SWE Evening w/ Industry
- $10 for 3 course meal
- 10 Companies confirmed so far
- Purchase tickets from SWE members (or go to their meeting at 7pm in WCH 102)
- Tomorrow, May 1st in Hub 302
BCoE Bowling Tournament

- Society of Hispanic Engineers is hosting a bowling tournament on May 9th (next Thursday) from 9pm - 12am
- We need a team to compete, sign up in ACM
- I can also give rides for this, ask me
Jafang's Fundraiser
- Come join us for a social/fundraiser at Jafang's on May 14th (Tuesday in two weeks) from 6-11pm
- We'll start handing out flyers in ACM soon, also on location
- Still having meeting that day, will hand over there after
- Let me know if you need a ride (4 available seats)
Programming Competition
- Want to have competition on May 18th (Saturday of Week 7) from noon to 5pm
- Please let us know if you'd like to participate
- So far, only a few people have emailed us
- Sooner we know who wants to come, better we can plan
- Good training for regional competition in Fall
LAN Party

- ACM traditional LAN Party on May 31st (Friday of Week 9) from 5pm - ???
- Food (and hopefully Energy Drinks) will be provided
- Bring your own setup or use the lab computers
Chess Tournament

- Joint Chess Tournament w/ UCR Chess Club on June 1st in the evening (Saturday of Week 9)
- HUB 260 & 268, 10am - 5pm, snacks will be provided
- Email us if interested in attending ASAP
BCoE End of Year Banquet
- ACM + Theta Tau are in charge of games
- Let us know if you have any creative ideas for TRON-themed games
ACM @ UCR 2nd General Meeting Spring 2013 *Meetings on Tuesdays of odd weeks from 6-7pm
acm second general meeting spring 13
By acmucr
acm second general meeting spring 13
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