ACM@UCR Third General Meeting
*Meeting held every odd Monday 5-6 @ WCH 205/6
**Next meeting Monday, March 4th
(Feb. 18 is an holiday)
- Post-Mortem: Lab Clean-up
- Update: Web Workshop Interest
- Programming Competition
- Fundraiser delayed
- Almost last call for E-Week
- Dodgeball Tournament
- Lan Party
- Finals Review Sessions
- Keeping in touch
Lab Clean-up, 02/01/13
- Last Friday was our first lab cleanup of the quarter
- About 10-15 volunteers @ clubroom
- About 8 or so people hung out at Getaway
- Thanks for the help!
- Try to keep clubroom tidy
- Take out trash if you have free time
- Think about recycling
Update: Interest in Web Workshop
- "HOW DO I SHOT WEB(SITES)" needed at least 20 people interested to proceed
- Over last two weeks, got 38 signups
- Web workshop is confirmed
- What now? Figure out logistics of when, where, how often, etc.
- If you didn't sign up yet and want to stay updated, please email
Programming Competition
- Still planned for the Saturday of Week 7 (E-Week)
- 02/23/13 @ noon to 5pm
- Teams of 3 at max
- Start registering teams now, the clubroom has limited space
- Also, we need a good headcount before we come up with prizes
- If interested, email
- So far, only two team signups
Fundraiser Delayed
- Last week we mentioned a Boba Tea House fundraiser, but we need to choose a better time
- BTH only gives smaller student clubs about 2 hours of fundraiser time, so we need a dedicated fundraising time
- Also, we're considering other places (see first meeting)
- If you have any suggestions/ideas, feel free to email ACM's vice chair at
(ALMOST) Last Call for E-Week Contributions
- E-Week is coming up in a couple of weeks
- We need projects to show off, so send them our way
- We're going to start making a new posterboard and web display very soon
- If you want to table on E-Week (19th - 22nd @ 11 - 3pm), please let us know
- For more info or to send contributions or to volunteer, email
BCOE Dodgeball Tournament
- BCOE Dodgeball Tournament on 02/21/13 (Thursday)
- $10 a team if we register before noon on 02/18/13
- We'll cover the costs
- Starts at 7pm
- Max 6 guys, 2 girls on each team
- Start registering now and follow BMES facebook page for more updates
- Email us with your teams at
Lan Party
- Still happening March 8th @ 5pm to whenever in the ACM clubroom (WCH 226)
- Food will be provided (eventually)
- Open to everyone although space is limited in clubroom
- Bring your laptop and Steam info, don't have to use lab machines
- Computers will need to be re-imaged at least a day or two before actual party, so be prepared
Final Review Sessions for CS 10/12/14/61/100
- As usual, we want to do final review sessions for CS classes in week 9/10
- Need to talk to professors/lecturers to officialize
- What should you do?
- If you want us to hold a review session, mention it to your professor and tell him/her to email us
- If you want to help out, email us at and tell us what classes you'd like to help out with
Keeping in Touch
- As the title slide says, our next meeting is in 4 weeks (Week 9), since Monday of Week 7 is an holiday
- Here's how to keep up with what's going on during that time:
- Come to the clubroom (WCH 226) and ask
- Follow the ACM@UCR blog
- Follow ACM@UCR on Facebook
- Email us at
ACM@UCR Third General Meeting *Meeting held every odd Monday 5-6 @ WCH 205/6 **Next meeting Monday, March 4th (Feb. 18 is an holiday)
acm third general meeting winter 13
By acmucr
acm third general meeting winter 13
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