Fourth General meeting 

What we've been up to


5 teams of 4 represented UCR!

Resume Workshop

Learned how to write a technical resume!

Web Workshop

Much awesome, such wow


Two teams won big prizes!

Tabletop Game Night

Recurring Events

Unity Workshop

Friday at 6 - 7:00 at Bourns A265!

This week's  workshop will introduce how to script files for objects in Unity.

Hacker Monthly

This Thursday in WCH 203 from 5:00pm - 6:00pm!

We'll have a short GitHub tutorial this week!

Upcoming Events

Linux Workshop

Beginner level! Useful everywhere!


Tomorrow in WCH 226 (ACM Clubroom) from 7 - 9:00 pm


An event with the purpose of  the event designed to expose and encourage women to pursue a STEM degree, particularly in Computer Science. This event will have guest speakers, panels from professionals women in the industry!

This event is not only for women! Everyone is invited!

This Friday, 5:00pm at Pasadena City College

Super Smash Bros Tournament @ ACM

$5 to compete, for food and more fun!

Next Tuesday in WCH 232!

We'll be playing

the new Super

Smash Bros for

Wii U!

BCOE T-Shirt Designs


(aka, your ticket for pizza!)

Thats it for now! Questions?

Fall Fourth general meeting 2014

By acmucr

Fall Fourth general meeting 2014

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