Second General Meeting 2014

Past Events
what we've done so far
Back2School Codesprint (week 0)
ICPC Training (Last Friday)

Hacker Monthly First Meeting (Monday)
Upcoming Events
what we're going to do
STEM Career Fair

Get an internship or job at any of these companies!
Tuesday, October 28th, 11am - 2:30pm

Google + ACM Mixer
Tuesday, October 28th
Play games, have conversations and more with Google engineers!
Free Food!
After the STEM Fair: 4pm - 7pm

Google and Sears info session
October 29th
Google: 3 - 5pm
Sears: 6 - 7:30pm
Sign up at today!
We'll be organizing rides from UCR to USC!
Hackathon at USC!

November 7th - 9th
Pasadena, November 21st 5:30pm - 8:00pm
An event to encourage more women to participate in CS
More details to come!

Recurring Events
what we're going to do more than once
Competition between programmers from schools across Southern California!
The competition is November 8th!
We are having practice sessions every Friday from 5pm - 6pm until the competition!

Gamespawn Unity Workshop
This Friday (10/24) 6 - 7pm at Bourns A265!
Learn how to make 3D games!

Hacker Monthly

Make friends, form a team, create an app and more!
Every Monday from 7pm - 8pm in Bourns A265!
(time and location are subject to change)
Other stuff
Now it's . . .

Second General Meeting
By acmucr
Second General Meeting
- 2,259