1st General Meeting
Spring 2015

Upcoming Events!
Linux Install Party
TONIGHT @ 6:30pm:
In the ACM Clubroom (WCH 226), Manny will be helping with installing Ubuntu 14.04 on your laptops!
Useful for CS100 and furthering your Linux knowledge.
Hour of Code
April 11th, Saturday @ 8am
We're going to Mira Loma Middle School to teach
the basics of programming. We're looking for volunteers!
We will have a meeting before the event to go over the Hour of Code material.
Register Here
Web Career Path 1st Session
April 8th, Wednesday @ 5-7pm
Kyle Minshall is leading our Web Development Career Path. Learn how to build your own website from scratch in 10 weeks!
Talk to Kyle for more info.
Cutie Hack
April 18th, Saturday
Citrus Hack is being moved to the Fall! Instead, IEEE and ACM will be teaming up to throw the greatest 24 hour citrus-filled hackathon in the universe!
Cutie Hack is software and hardware friendly. IEEE will be providing Galileo boards and tools such as soldering irons for hardware projects.
Register here
Hack Night
April 10th, Friday @ 5-7pm
Hacker Monthly has Evolved: Hack Nights!
Hack Nights will take place every week on Fridays from 5-7pm. It's a place where students can go to for working on projects with one another.
Every other week we will be going over tools and technologies for working on projects.
Quick Annoucements
T-Shirts for Members
We still have a few shirts, if you still haven't gotten yours, come to the clubroom after the meeting!
The cutoff for getting your T-shirts is Week 5 on Friday.

Everyone who has a locker has to renew. Renewal is 15 bucks. Talk to Ben to renew it.

Questions or Suggestions?
Ice Breaker!

Thank You!
1st General Meeting Spring 2015
By acmucr
1st General Meeting Spring 2015
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