2nd General Meeting
Spring 2015

Upcoming Events!
Hack Night
TONIGHT Friday @ 5-7pm
in Bourns A265
Hacker Monthly has Evolved: Hack Nights!
Hack Nights will take place every Friday.
It's an environment for students that want to work on projects with one another.

Algorithm Practice
TONIGHT April 17th @ 7-9pm
in WCH 226
Clement Wong will be leading the Algorithm Practice held tonight!
If you want to go beyond CS14 and CS141 level algorithms or want practice for tech interviews, head to these!
This is a weekly workshop held every Friday at 7 pm.

Cutie Hack
TOMORROW April 18th, Saturday @ 9am in WCH 232
Cutie Hack is a 24-hour hackathon for UCR students! Cutie Hack is software and hardware friendly. IEEE will be providing Galileo boards and tools such as soldering irons for hardware projects.
Register at cutiehack.com!

Saturday May 9th @ GlenMor
ACM fundraiser!
Join us for a fun day
BBQing at GlenMor!

Quick Annoucements
Highlander Day
Tomorrow April 18th @ 10am by Rivera Archways
Come by our table to say hi or help us table!
Help encourage incoming students become engineers!
Set up is from 9:30 - 10am
Event is from 10am - 3pm
Last Call for ACM T-shirts
If you are a paid member and do not pick up
your t-shirts by the time of the next general meeting
(End of Week 5), then you forfeit your t-shirt to
other members who didn't join in time to get a shirt
or for sale to the public.
Questions or Suggestions?
Guest Speaker:

Thank You!
2nd General Meeting Spring 2015
By acmucr
2nd General Meeting Spring 2015
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