3rd General Meeting
Spring 2015

Upcoming Events!
Hack Night
TONIGHT Friday @ 5-7pm
in Bourns A265
Hack Nights: Battle for Glory
- Hack Nights is getting competitive!
- Attend every week to get points for your team.
- At the end of the quarter, all teams will present and a winner will be crowned!
- Winners have their name 3D Printed onto the Lego Trophy!

Algorithm Practice
Fridays @ 7-9pm
in WCH 226
Due to midterms, Algorithm Practice is cancelled for this week.
The Algorithms workshops will pick up next week.

Web Dev Career Pathway
Wednesdays @ 5-7pm in WCH 226
Interested in making your own website or blog? Come to the weekly Web Development Workshops, part of the Career Path Program, every Wednesday at 5pm!
The next lesson will be an introduction to PHP+Symfony2 and MySQL!

Student/Faculty Feedback
May 13th @ 12-1pm in BRNHL A265
Interested in making a difference? Do you have a cool idea on how to help the department?
Come to the Student/Faculty Feedback Session!
Several Professors and Staff members will be there to discuss the future of BCOE!
RoboCode Competition
May 23rd @ 1-6:30pm in WCH 226
Learn Java to make the ultimate fighting machine - then battle them to the DEATH >:D
More info: http://robocode.sourceforge.net/

Canceled until further notice :(

BCOE Banquet 2014 - 2015
Friday May 29th, 2015
- The BCOE Banquet is coming up! Tickets cost $10!
- The them is Masquerade in Venice! We will have a Murder Mystery, DIY mask workshop and more!
Ask an ACM Officer for a ticket
- Or buy one at

Quick Annoucements
SWE Potluck
Tuesday May 5th , 6-7pm
Come join SWE in WCH 205/206 for some Mexican themed food, music, and a little history of Cinco de Mayo.

There will be a piñata, so there's no reason not to go.
Intermediate Unity Workshop
Monday May 4th , 5-7pm
- Gamespawn is hosting a Unity workshop for those of you who have already gotten the hang of the basics.
- The workshop will be tailored towards students' projects

Last Call for ACM T-shirts
If you are a paid member and do not pick up
your t-shirts TONIGHT, then you forfeit your t-shirt to
other members who didn't join in time to get a shirt
or for sale to the public.
In honor of Peng Wang there will be a $150 scholarship open to ACM official members. Participants will have to write a 200 word essay on why they deserve it and attach a resume. Submit essays to acm.at.ucr@gmail.com
The essay is due Friday, Week 9 (May 29th).
Questions or Suggestions?
Guest Speaker:

Thank You!
3rd General Meeting Spring 2015
By acmucr
3rd General Meeting Spring 2015
- 1,169