4th General Meeting
Spring 2015

Upcoming Events!
Hack Night
TONIGHT Friday @ 5-7pm
in Bourns A265
Hack Nights: Battle for Glory
- Voting for the best project takes place on week 9!
- Winners have their name 3D Printed onto the Lego Trophy!

Algorithm Practice
Next Friday @ 7-9pm
in WCH 226
Next week (5/22) will be our FINAL practice session for the quarter! To commemorate, we will be having a mini code sprint with PRIZES!
NOTE: No practice this week

LAST Web Dev Career Path Meeting!
Next Wednesday @ 5-7pm in WCH 226
The next and last lesson of the quarter (5/20) will be an how to take the dynamic blog you made and deploy it to Heroku and share it with the world!

RoboCode Competition
May 23rd @ 1-6:30pm in WCH 226
Learn Java to make the ultimate fighting machine - then battle them to the DEATH >:D
More info: http://robocode.sourceforge.net/

ACM LAN Party!
Friday May 22nd @ 5pm
(Week 8)

Come and bring you laptop
to play games such as
and Starcraft with ACM club members.
If that's not for you, come for the pizza
and play a few matches Super Smash Bros. for Wii U!
BCOE Banquet 2014 - 2015
Friday May 29th, 2015
- The BCOE Banquet is coming up! Tickets cost $10!
- The them is Masquerade in Venice! We will have a Murder Mystery, DIY mask workshop and more!
Ask an ACM Officer for a ticket
- Or buy one at

Quick Annoucements
Code Day LA
May 23rd - 24th @ 12pm:

Hosted at Ctrl Collective!
Buy tickets here!
Faculty Feedback
In honor of Peng Wang there will be a $150 scholarship open to ACM official members. Participants will have to write a 200 word essay on why they deserve it and attach a resume. Submit essays here.
The essay is due Friday, Week 9 (May 29th).
Questions or Suggestions?
Thank You!
4th General Meeting Spring 2015
By acmucr
4th General Meeting Spring 2015
- 1,422