Association for Computing Machinery

First General Meeting
ACM Officers
Chair Manny Sanchez
Vice-Chair Alex Gonzales
Secretary Christine Hawley
Treasurer Ben Quach
Program Chairs Daniel Ramirez / Rica Feng
Professional Outreach Michael Libres Uy
Membership Coordinator Clay Yantzer
Webmaster Fritz Grigsby
Historian Tina Wang
What is ACM@UCR?
By definition…
“ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession”
We are UCR’s official ACM chapter comprised of approximately 80 members. We aim to help students
succeed with their studies and prepare them for their professional careers.
What will ACM do for me?
- Supplement course material and supercharge your learning
- Prepare you for exams
- Build your professional network
- Land you a job/internship
- Expose you to real world programming
- Provide a commonplace for you to meet new people and encourage collaboration
Event and Workshop overview
Professional Events

Social Events



Hacker Monthly
Occurrence: Weekly
Collaborate and work on projects including:
Android/IOS, Web, Games, OS, etc...
Any year and any major welcome!
How to start your startup
Occurrence: Twice a week
Learn basics of running a software business from Sam Altman.
Watch the lessons with us and join in on the discussion!
Programming competition practice
Occurrence: Weekly
Practice solving problems on hackerrank, codechef, topcoder, etc...
Perfect practice for ACM ICPC and IEEE Xtreme
Inter-org announcements
Gamespawn workshops
- UCR's video game creation club
- Teaches how to design and implement games
- Emphasise on Unity3D platform
- No experience necessary!
- Contact Rica

Contact Andrew Olguin:
IEEE's Xtreme Programming Competition

Contact Arman Karakhanyan:
How and why should I become a member?
- Membership costs a mere $20 for the entire school year
- Pay your fee preferably to Clay or Ben
- Provide your contact info (email), name, and r'card number
- Discounted ticket prices
- Priority workshop enrollment
- Ability to participate in giveaways
- Access to "member's only" events
- Free t-shirt!
Other things
Locker rentals
- $15 if you need a lock, $10 if you provide your own
- Must provide name, contact info, and lock combination
- Rental good for entire quarter
- Grace period for people who haven't renewed ends October 18th
ACM Fridge
- Stocked every week with soda's and water
- Runs on donations (please donate!)
- Anyone can take one (but please donate!)
- SUGGESTED DONATION IS .50 cents (may change for specialty items)
- If interested in helping, contact Manny
ACM Rewards
- Gain points by attending ACM@UCR events (yes this meeting counts!)
- Some events worth more than others
- People with most amount of points, or those who reach a threshold will be awarded
- Contact Daniel
Thank you! :)
What is ACM@UCR?
By acmucr
What is ACM@UCR?
- 2,443