Association for Computing Machinery

Third General Meeting
Cyber Security Joint Committee
Coordinator: Bradley Evans
Recurring Events
Career Pathways
Thursday 2-4pm
Kyle Minshall is teaching Web Development from the beginner level. Throughout the 8 week workshop you will:
- Rebuild Pinterest from the ground up
- Learn web languages like Ruby on Rails
- Learn the fundamentals of both front end and back end web development

ICPC Training
Still going strong! If you are in a team show up and register on their website! The deadline is Oct 31
If you are unable to make it that next week please email, or post a message on the ICPC Training Facebook page.
Mondays 5-6 pm in WCH 127
Hack Nights
Wednesdays 6-8pm in WCH 135
Collaborate and work on projects including:
Android/IOS, Web, Games, OS, etc...
We have prizes!
Check out our trophy and become engraved in ACM history
ACM Mentorship Program
Want to get involved with UCR, Computer Science, or ACM but you aren't really sure how?
Join ACM's mentorship program!
Sign up to be a mentee by filling out this form! Provide some information about you and we'll pair you with an awesome mentor!
Table Top Game Night
Friday Oct. 30th, in ACM clubroom (WCH 226) @ 5:00 pm
Need a break from midterms?
Come to our clubroom to play Monopoly, Settlers of Catan, and some LAN Party Steam Games!
Bring your own games if you don't mind sharing.
Snacks will be provided!
Spooky Skeletons Edition!
Google Mixer
November 17 Tuesday @ 4-5pm WCH 205/206
Come hangout with Google Recruiters and Engineers for a Trivia Night!
There will be tacos and Google swag!

The Inland Empire's Premier Hackathon @ UCR
November 6-8
Register your team or sign up to volunteer at!
Next Quarter's
StarCraft Broodwar AI
Interested in designing AI? Learn through programming an AI for StarCraft!
- Compete against humans or other AI's
- Program multiple AI's for different strategies and have them compete

NAO Robots
- Work together in a group to program functionality into the robot.
- The robot has a ton of sensors:
- Touch sensitivity on hands, head & fingers
- 2 microphones
- infrared sensors (for kinect-like sensing)
- Full actuators on nearly all limbs!
- Full documentation and example code online

Joint program with IEEE to create intelligent AI for NAO Robots
Become a Member of ACM
Pay $20 to Kash, giving him your ID and shirt size
- Discounted ticket prices
- Priority workshop enrollment
- Ability to participate in giveaways
- Access to "member's only" hardware (Oculus Rift, Google Cardboards, Arduinos and more!)
- Free t-shirt!
T-Shirt Giveaway!
Members of ACM only!
Where is ACM's clubroom?
T-Shirt Giveaway!
Members of ACM only!
Which officer has the most flippable hair?
ACM Clubroom
Stop by WCH 226 and say hi!
We even have rent-able lockers to keep your things safe!
- $20 if you need a lock, $15 if you provide your own
- Must provide name, contact info, and lock combination
- Rental good for entire quarter
- ACM Fridge!
- $0.50 per can of soda or bottle of water
- donation base!
aka: The Leviathon
Lead by Faiz Mirza!
Fall 2015 3rd General Meeting
By acmucr
Fall 2015 3rd General Meeting
- 1,227