Association for Computing Machinery

Fifth General Meeting
Recurring Events
Career Pathways
Thursday 2-4pm
- Rebuild Pinterest from the ground up
- Learn web languages like Ruby on Rails
- Learn the fundamentals of both front end and back end web development

Session is canceled this week!
Come back next Thursday to wrap up the Workshop!
ICPC Training
Competition is over!
Training session is over too!
Thanks for those who participated!

Hack Nights
Collaborate and work on projects including:
Android/IOS, Web, Games, OS, etc...
Wednesdays 6-8pm in WCH 135
We have prizes!
Check out our trophy and become engraved in ACM history
We are re-organizing next quarter, stay tuned for deets!
ACM Mentorship Program
The mentorship pairings are posted on the Facebook group! Make sure you check your emails!
Mentors and mentees! Make sure you join the Facebook page, and fill out your availability on the when2meet form!

Next Quarter's
StarCraft Broodwar AI
Interested in designing AI? Learn through programming an AI for StarCraft!
- Compete against humans or other AI's
- Program multiple AI's for different strategies and have them compete

NAO Robots
- Work together in a group to program functionality into the robot.
- The robot has a ton of sensors:
- Touch sensitivity on hands, head & fingers
- 2 microphones
- infrared sensors (for kinect-like sensing)
- Full actuators on nearly all limbs!
- Full documentation and example code online

Joint program with IEEE to create intelligent AI for NAO Robots
UE4 Career Pathway
Learn game development in Unreal Engine 4
- Learn visual programming via Blueprints
- Learn to create shaders and materials using Physically Based Rendering, the latest standard in 3D graphics
- Create your very own game alone or with a team
- Time and day TBD, if interested make sure you fill out the when2meet so we pick a good time for you as well!
- Syllabus can be found here.
1 Unit Course taught in the winter by Mark De Ruyter

UCR Startups
Michalis Faloutsos is now Director of Entrepreneurship for UCR
Looking for students interested in making a startup. Let us know if you want help!
Algorithm Practices
If you want help for your classes, interview questions, or just for fun :D
Michelle Wang will be leading the practices!
Cyber Security Committee
A committee for participating in cyber security competitions.
Bradly Evans will be leading the practices and the committee!
Join the facebook page: /groups/ucrcyber/
Joint committee with IEEE
Monday 6pm in solarium WCH 221
Become a Member of ACM
Pay $20 to Kash, giving him your ID and shirt size
We also have an online payment option via our website,
- Discounted ticket prices
- Priority workshop enrollment
- Ability to participate in giveaways
- Access to "member's only" hardware (Oculus Rift, Google Cardboards, Arduinos and more!)
- Free t-shirt!
T-Shirt Giveaway!
Members of ACM only!
When you buy from the Leviathan, how much does one can of soda cost?
T-Shirt Giveaway!
Members of ACM only!
How do I delete all the files in a directory?
T-shirt Design!
Members of ACM only!
We are starting our t-shirt design contest next quarter! Start thinking about designs that you may
- Have "ACM at UCR" or "ACM@UCR" on the shirt
- Use up to 2 colors.
Open Officer Meetings
Wednesday 2-3pm in WCH 102
Want to be involved with ACM on an administrative level? Interested in becoming an officer for next year?
Speak with or email an ACM officer to be their +1 at our officer meetings. Here we discuss how events are going, what we need to improve on, and what we need to do to get events ready for the future.
ACM Clubroom
Stop by WCH 226 and say hi!
We even have rent-able lockers to keep your things safe!
- $20 if you need a lock, $15 if you provide your own
- Must provide name, contact info, and lock combination
- Rental good for entire quarter
- ACM Fridge!
- $0.50 per can of soda or bottle of water
- donation based!
aka: The Leviathon
Startup & Entrepreneurship
Jeff McDaniel
Fall 2015 5th General Meeting
By acmucr
Fall 2015 5th General Meeting
- 1,478