Association for Computing Machinery

CS Faculty Retreat
Career Pathways
Career Pathways was a program launched last year to help encourage students to try out an area or technology in Computer Science not fully covered by classes here at UCR.
We are aiming to host 3-4 different workshops throughout the year.
Career Pathways: Fall
Weekly Web Development Workshops
Every Thursday from 2pm - 4pm
at WCH 135
starting Oct. 8th (week 2)
Over 8 weeks students will:
- Rebuild Pinterest from the ground up
- Learn web languages like Ruby on Rails
- Learn the fundamentals of both front end and back end web development
- Learn how to deploy their website

Career Pathways: Winter
Weekly Game Development Workshops (Taught as an R'Course, 1 Unit)
10 Weeks of high level game design in Unreal Engine 4 going over:
- Use visual scripting (UE4's Blueprints)
- Component based design
- High level graphics pipeline
- The animation pipeline: from individual animations to blend spaces and animation state machines

Career Pathways: Spring
Weekly Android Workshops (Also hosted as an R'Course)
Another 10 week workshop covering various Android App concepts
- Teaches Java and XML
- Overview and usage of the Activity life cycle
- Process multi-touch input events
- Handle sensitive login information securely
- Creation of custom Android themes

Key Workshops

The Inland Empire's Premier Hackathon @ UCR
November 6-8
Registration and more information at

Professional Events

Hack Nights
Wednesdays 6-8pm
Students collaborate and work on projects including:
Android/iOS, Web, Games, Arduino, etc...
- Every year and major welcome
- Experienced mentors to help guide project leaders and their teams
- Currently collaborating with the entrepreneurship club on campus to pair engineers with business students
Programming Practice
Date: TBD, Weekly
Grad student led algorithms workshop
Aimed at helping students practice for ACM ICPC and IEEE Xtreme.
ACM Mentorship Program
Upperclassmen help first (and even second) years get through their courses and nudge them towards internships, research, and careers.
Also a good opportunity for struggling students to get some help and advice from someone who has already gone through the program.
ACM's First General Meeting
September 29th at 4pm in WCH 205/206
Tell your students there will be free food!
Also the place to sign up for the mentorship program as well as ICPC and the Web Development Career Pathway
Thank you!
Faculty Retreat 2015
By acmucr
Faculty Retreat 2015
- 1,494