About me

Adam Bretz (arb, @adambretz)

Walmart Open Source Team (yes that's a real thing)

In the lab with the hapi universe

on tap for today

  1. Why use Lab
  2. Assert yourself with Code
  3. Pep talk

why lab?

  1. Battle tested

  2. Easy to use + proper semantic versioning

  3. Useful options and features

Battle tested


var Code = require('code');
var Lab = require('lab');
var lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();

var describe = lab.describe;
var it = lab.it;
var expect = Code.expect;

describe('math', function () {

    it('returns true when 1 + 1 equals 2', function (done) {

var Code = require('code');
var Lab = require('lab');
var lab = exports.lab = Lab.script();

var suite = lab.suite;
var test = lab.test;
var expect = Code.expect;

suite('math', function () {

    test('returns true when 1 + 1 equals 2', function (done) {


Code Coverage (-c & -t)

  • Provides integrated code coverage analysis right out of the box.  
  • -t sets pass/fail threshold
  • Extremely thorough coverage analysis
var settings = options || {};
var result = value > 0 ? value/100 : -1;
if (x && y && z) { console.log('true'); }

Linting (-L)

  • Uses eslint as the rule engine
  • Defaults to the hapi style and linting rules
  • You can overwrite this behavior by creating your own .eslintrc file in the project directory
        Line 7: eol-last - Newline required at end of file but not found.
        Line 1: func-style - Expected a function expression.
        Line 3: space-infix-ops - Infix operators must be spaced.
        Line 3: semi - Missing semicolon.

Assert (-a)

  • Name the assertion library you are using
  • Tracks number of assertions and log messages for incomplete assertions

verbose (-v) + id (-i)

Verbose prints out the test verbiage including the test identifier. 

  ✔ 1) sums numbers (2 ms)
  ✔ 2) does not crash on empty arrays (1 ms)

The test identifier can be used with the ID option to run only certain tests

lab -i 1-2
lab -i 1,2

how "we" use lab

Lab rules

  1. Always use -t 100
  2. Always use a CI server that runs a designated test command
  3. Don't merge PRs unless the CI server says everything passed

automatic feedback loop

Assert yourself with code

about code

  • Core module is the new Hapijs universe assertion library
  • Lab used to come bundled with Chai, changed in version 5
  • Much smaller subset of human words, easier to memorize
  • Consistent, ALWAYS a method (.true())

how can i get started?

  1. Just do something
  2. Start small
  3. Change your process



In the Lab

By Adam Bretz

In the Lab

Lab presentation at Oakland JSFest 2014

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