Alex Giurgiu (
using the k/v store and health checks to build a leader election system
Goals for today
- Introduce Consul and what problems it tries to solve
- Build(study) a practical example that leverages Consul to implement a leader election system
Start setup
SoftLayer API credentials:
Fill in credentials in bootstrap_machines/
Run from your machine or Vagrant
Make sure that your private key is available for Ansible
pip install -r requirements.txt
What is consul?
A distributed and highly available K/V store
About Consul
- similar to etcd and zookeeper,
- made by HashiCorp(Vagrant and Packer)
- uses RAFT for consistency and consensus
- uses SWIM for scalability
Why Consul?
- Average application size has increased tremendously; from single machine to an army of machines
- A trend to split monolithic architectures in service oriented architectures
- Infrastructure became more dynamic: programability, server density/engineer
- Docker!
Consul features
- Service discovery
- Health checks
- K/V store
Setup done
You should now have:
- 3 VM's up and running
- each VM running a consul server
- all 3 consul servers joined in a cluster
Quick check:
- ssh to root@<ip of VM>
- run "consul members"
Ports closed...PANIC
ssh -L 8555: root@<VM ip>
Interacting with Consul
Clone on all 3 VM's
git clone
cd consul_workshop_devopsdays/code/cluster_manager/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Consul health checks
Consul has 3 types of health checks:
- ttl
- script
- port check
python --id 2
Check Consul UI
Consul k/v store
python --id 2 --election true
Check Consul UI
Storing a key and acquiring a lock
Leader election
Start the other cluster_manager scripts using the election parameter
By alex giurgiu
- 1,105