Identity Documents Service

3 goals

  • Scope (quick check)
  • Architecture
  • Some code gut checks (time permitting)

Quick disclaimer


  • More securely store TSA info

  • Ease Ops' acquisition and management of GAT customer data necessary to travel


  • Document wallet (passport, license, real ID, etc.)
  • MyAccount: Customers save TSA and document info  for themselves and secondaries
  • Salesforce: Staff view, create and update TSA and document info
  • Sync data between service and Salesforce, and service and Atlas 
  • Migrate data from Jasmine to new service


  • Prisma -> caches (trip, new trip view)
  • Mongo -> service data
  • NestJS


Identity Docs Service

Possible models

3 goals

  • Scope
  • Architecture
  • Some code gut checks

Identity Documents Service

By Alex Hughes

Identity Documents Service

  • 68