Power of Focus

is real


It's science

Learn from the best


- We avoid things we don't like

- Everything we do is to enjoy and avoid pain

- Low energy Spirals

- The world is working towards our addictions

- No one ever liked to be in uncomfortable zone

- Fighting a psychological war without weapons

How to Focus


1. Attention and awareness

2. Rest. Active. Open.

3. Rumination Vs Reflection 

4. Willpower

5. Mental Gym

Awareness test

John Medina

10 minute rule

Rest. Active vs Open

Rumination & Reflection

Solution: RSF- Relentless Solution Focus (+1)



  • Disengage Impulse
  • Keep attention away from distraction
  • Focused on Goal

Walter Michelle Marchello test

Mental Gym

Research on Meditators

The connections between parts of their brain that's tied to wandering thoughts and the thoughts that can disengage from wandering thoughts is stronger in meditators. 

Put your attention back.

Repetition = More strength

Example: Books

Habits and schedule: Always have 5 priority areas

Dump or Deligate the rest

Social Media


1. Be Aware

2. Use tools to fight it, accept mind is not enough.


- News feed blocker chrome plugin

- Rescue Time

- Iphone screen time data

3. Hold yourself accountable.

Day 3- Power of Focus

By Amal Augustine

Day 3- Power of Focus


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