Elasticsearch Uses as Service Australia

  • Observability

  • Search

  • Security

Elasticsearch Uses as Service Australia

  • Observability

1. Mainframe Monitoring



2. Ebay usecase of beats: Kubernetes

Elasticsearch Uses as Service Australia

  • Search

1. Terry Barton LDAP



2. Uber Search


Elasticsearch Uses as Service Australia

  • Security

1. POC: Dan Major



2. Uber Search

JSOC: hub and spoke model

Machine Learning Use Cases

  • APIC

  • SAP

  • Capacity Planning

1. Show what I have been testing in 24/7. Photo

2. Links

3. metaphor?

4. ML/AI

5. Your data/endpoint. You have a machine/endpoint: we can monitor

6. Why dyna vs elastic

7. Slido

8. Future proof

9. Elastic compliance?

10. Difference between dyna and elastic.

  use/number of people working on it

  underlying technology the same???


1. https://www.elastic.co/blog/monitoring-petabytes-of-logs-at-ebay-with-beats

2. https://www.elastic.co/elasticon/conf/2017/sf/powering-uber-marketplace-real-time-data-needs-with-elasticsearch





Elastic Observability at Services Australia

By Andrew Carr

Elastic Observability at Services Australia

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