Behavior-Driven Development:
overcoming Cucumber
Andrey Mikhaylov (lolmaus)
frotnend developer @ kaliber5
What is BDD?
assert.isEqual(actual, expected)
What is BDD?
An assertion style?
What is BDD?
The double loop dev workflow?
BDD = user stories
Login and Signup
Logging in successfully
As an anonymous user,
When I visit the login page,
Fill valid credentials
And submit the login form,
Then I should be logged in
And I should be on my profile
User stories:
- are written by all team members together,
- in human-readable language,
- from the user's perspective.
- Thread through the whole feature lifecycle: from conception to deployment.
User stories for signup and login
Visiting app sections:
- Anonymous user visits a public section, proceeds to a login page by clicking a link
- Anonymous user visits a restricted section, gets redirected to the login page
- A logged-in user visits a restricted section successfully
- A logged-in user visits the login page, gets redirected to their profile
- A logged-in user visits a signup page, gets redirected to their profile
- A logged-in user visits a password recovery page, gets redirected to their profile
Login page, anonymous user:
- fills in correct credentials, authenticates, gets redirected to their profile
- fills in incorrect credentials, sees an error message
- attempts to login without filling credentials, the button is inactive
- attempts to login with an invalid email, a validation error message appears, the button is inactive
- A logged-in user visits a signup page, gets redirected to their profile
On the signup page, anonymous user:
- fills in the form successfully, signs up and authenticates, gets redirected to their profile
- fills in an invalid login, sees a validation error message, the button is inactive
- fills in an occupied login, sees an async validation error message, the button is inactive
- fills in an invalid password, sees a validation error message, the button is inactive
- fills in a non-matching password, sees a validation error message, the button is inactive
- visits password recovery page
Password recovery page, anon user
- fills in a valid email address, sees a request to check the email, the email message gets sent
- fills in an invalid email, sees a validation error message, the button is inactive
Password recovery email
- visits a recovery link successfully
- visits an expired link
- visits a used link
- visits a link while logged in
Benefits of
user stories and BDD
- Reveal the true scope of the feature.
- More realistic estimations.
- Serve as a spec.
- Serve as a single source of truth.
- Easy to distribute work.
- Easy to track progress.
- Prioritize users' needs over developers' needs.
- Integrate well with automated testing.
«The Inmates Are Running the Asylum» by Alan Cooper
- Started over 14 years ago as a Ruby library, on top of RSpec.
- Evolved into a full-fledged testing framework.
- Ported to most popular programming languages.
- JavaScript has the official CucumberJS and the unofficial YaddaJS.
Cucumber feature file
tests/acceptance/blog.feature Syntax is called "Gherkin"
Feature: The blog
Scenario: Visiting the blog with posts
Given there are 3 posts in the database
When I visit the blog page
Then I should see 3 posts
And I should not see the empty blog message
Scenario: Visiting an empty blog
Given there are 0 blog posts in the database
When I visit the blog page
Then I should see 0 posts
And I should see the empty blog message
Step implementations
When I visit the blog page
Then I should see 3 posts
import { find, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers';
export default {
'When I visit the blog page' () {
return visit('/blog');
'Then I should see 3 posts' () {
const posts = find('.post');
this.assert.equals(posts.length, 3);
import { find, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers';
export default {
'When I visit the blog page' () {
return visit('/blog');
'Then I should see (\\d+) posts' (countStr) {
const posts = find('.post');
const countInt = parseInt(countStr, 10);
this.assert.equals(posts.length, countInt);
import { find, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers';
export default {
'When I visit the blog page' () {
return visit('/blog');
'Then I should see $number posts' (count) {
const posts = find('.post');
this.assert.equals(posts.length, count);
Test case mattresses
Test case mattresses
Test case mattresses
Test case matrices
Test case matrices
Scenario: Exceeding min/max value on the Roof-Width-Field, input [User Input], angle: [Angle]
When I visit URL "/configurator/unterkonstruktion"
And I select item "Individual" in the dropdown Preset-Field
And I fill "[Angle]" into the Input of the Angle-Field
And I fill "[User Input]" into the Input of the Roof-Depth-Field
Then the Input in the Roof-Depth-Field should have text "[Actual Value]"
And the Input in the Rafter-Length-Field should have text "[Rafter Length]"
| Angle | User Input | Actual Value | Rafter Length |
| 5 | 999 | 1000 | 1000 |
| 5 | 7001 | 7000 | 7000 |
| 25 | 999 | 1000 | 1097 |
| 25 | 7000 | 6383 | 7000 |
| 25 | 7001 | 6383 | 7000 |
| 15 | 25000 | 6758 | 7000 |
| 25 | 25000 | 6383 | 7000 |
| 35 | 25000 | 5922 | 7000 |
| 45 | 25000 | 5439 | 7000 |
- Separation of concerns
- Improved readability
- Ease of validation
- all team members
- Code reusability
- High speed of writing tests
- Simple maintenance
- Enforced discipline
- Enforced code coverage
- Uniform code style
- Integration into workflow
Cucumber benefits
Cucumber issues
The library of step implementations keeps growing indefinitely.
Finding implementations for steps is difficult.
Cucumber issues
- The library of step implementations keeps growing indefinitely.
Finding implementations for steps is difficult.
- Every step is a black box.
Scenario: Viewing blog posts
Given there are 3 posts in the database
When I visit the blog
Then the title of the 1st post should be "Hello World"
Cucumber issues
- The library of step implementations keeps growing indefinitely.
Finding implementations for steps is difficult.
- Every step is a black box.
- Steps implicitly depend on each other.
When I expand the 2nd post
Then the expanded post should contain a comments section
Cucumber issues
- The library of step implementations keeps growing indefinitely.
Finding implementations for steps is difficult.
- Every step is a black box.
- Steps implicitly depend on each other.
- CSS selectors are counter-productive.
When I click on div p ul li:nth-child(2) a
Cucumber issues
- The library of step implementations keeps growing indefinitely.
Finding implementations for steps is difficult.
- Every step is a black box.
- Steps implicitly depend on each other.
- CSS selectors are counter-productive.
- Debugging is notoriously difficult.
Step library size: limit to a small amount of tiny, fully reusable steps.
For example:
- click
- fill text into field
- hover the mouse pointer
- read text from an element
- read text from a text field
- select an item from a dropdown list
- Step library size: limit to a small amount
of tiny, fully reusable steps.
- Hidden logic: extract "the truth"
from step implementaions into feature files.
Given there are Posts in the database:
| title | body | authorId |
| "Hello World" | "..." | "alice" |
| "Lorem Ipsum" | "..." | "bob" |
| "Foo Bar Baz" | "..." | "charlie" |
Then the title of the 1st post should be "Hello World"
Given there are 3 posts in the database
Then the title of the 1st post should be "Hello World"
Then the 1st product should be selected
Then ".product:nth-child(1)" should have HTML class "is-selected"
And I should see ".product:nth-child(1) .comments"
- Step library size: limit to a small amount
of tiny, fully reusable steps.
- Hidden logic: extract "the truth"
from step implementations into feature files.
- Tangled implementations: steps reference
each other in the feature file,
not inside step implementations.
Then the 4th post should contain a comments section
Then the expanded post should contain a comments section
- Step library size: limit to a small amount
of tiny, fully reusable steps.
- Hidden logic: extract "the truth"
from step implementations into feature files.
Tangled implementations: steps reference
each other in the feature file,
not inside step implementations.
- CSS selector hell: enforce a restriction to
use only semantic data-test selectors.
When I click on div p ul li:nth-child(2) a
When I click on "[data-test-post]:nth-child(2) [data-test-title]"
4. Use only semantic
data-test selectors
4. Use "Labels": a convenient DSL
for data-test selectors
When I click [data-test-post]:nth-child(2) [data-test-expand-button]
4. Reverse the order
in compound selectors
When I click the Expand-Button in the 2nd Post
<div class="container">
<article data-test-post>
<div class="container">
<article data-test-post>
<article data-test-post>
<div class="container">
<article data-test-post>
<article data-test-post>
:nth-child() does not work as expected
2nd Post
<div class="container">
<article data-test-post>
<div class="container">
<article data-test-post>
<article data-test-post>
<div class="container">
<article data-test-post>
<article data-test-post>
Use :eq(2) instead of :nth-child(2)
2nd Post
- Step library size: limit to a small amount
of tiny, fully reusable steps.
- Hidden logic: extract "the truth"
from step implementations into feature files.
Tangled implementations: steps reference
each other in the feature file,
not inside step implementations.
- CSS selector hell: enforce a restriction to
use only semantic data-test selectors.
- Debugging: imrpove the output of test results.
5. Improving test output
- Step name
- Implementation
- Assertion error
- Arguments
- Stack trace
ember i ember-bdd
A drop-in Cucumber solution for your Ember app, powered by YaddaJS
Thank you!
» ^_^ «
A secret slide 🤫
BDD and Cucumber (Berlin)
By Andrey Mikhaylov (lolmaus)
BDD and Cucumber (Berlin)
или как не подавиться огурцом
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