The Velvet Path to Superlight Blockchain Clients

Aggelos Kiayias, Andrianna Polydouri, Dionysis Zindros

AFT '21
27th September, 2021


Light clients

Simplified Payment Verification (SPV)

Light clients

SPV protocol

  • not efficient enough
    • data grow linearly to the size of the chain

Superlight clients

  • logarithmic amount of data to the size of the chain
    • Superblock NIPoPoWs
    • FlyClient

Superblock NIPoPoWs

H(block) \leq T
  • all valid blocks:
  • "luckier" μ-level superblocks:
H(block) \leq \dfrac{T}{2^μ}

Superblock NIPoPoWs

Ideal superblock distribution

Superblock NIPoPoWs

Proof contains only some superblock headers...

Superblock NIPoPoWs

Consensus Protocol changes

  • interlink data struture in block header
  • pointers to every most recent superblock

Consensus Protocol Update

Hard fork

  • not backwards compatible
  • change block header contents
  • unupgraded parties do not accept upgraded blocks and vice versa
  • may lead to permanent fork

Soft fork

  • backwards compatible
  • auxiliary data (possibly) in coinbase transaction
  • unupgraded parties accept upgraded blocks but not vice versa
  • generally believed as less dangerous

Consensus Protocol Update

Velvet fork

  • backwards compatible
  • protocol changes come as a recommendation
  • e.g. auxiliary data in coinbase transaction
  • unupgraded parties accept upgraded blocks and vice versa
  • only a minority of miners needs to upgrade


Our Contributions

Superblocks under Velvet Fork

"Superblocks protocol can be deployed as-is under velvet fork"

Superblocks under Velvet Fork

Is there a way to attack?

 False super-pointers could...

  • not point to the most recent previous superblock
  • point to a block of a fork chain

Superblocks under Velvet Fork

"Thorny" blocks

Is there a way to attack?

Superblocks under Velvet Fork

The Chainsewing Attack

cut-and-paste portions of the honest chain

Superblocks under Velvet Fork

A specific Chainsewing Attack

cut-and-paste portions of the honest chain
skip honest upgraded blocks of attacked level

p \eqsim 0.3

Superblocks under Velvet Fork

The patch

honest miners ignore unupgraded and thorny blocks while updating the interlink

Superblocks under Velvet Fork

Combined Attack

Suppression & Chainsewing

Superblocks under Velvet Fork


velvet honest majority assumption

\dfrac{t}{n_h} < \dfrac{1}{3}

Superblocks under Velvet Fork


Superblocks under Velvet Fork


simple chain quality does not suffice!

the adversary may attack only some superblocks...

\dfrac{t}{n_h} < \dfrac{1}{3}

FlyClient under Velvet Fork

Consensus rule update: MMR chain commitments

FlyClient under Velvet Fork

"FlyClient protocol can be deployed as-is under velvet fork"

Combined attack

Suppression & Chainsewing

Thank you!


Copy of NIPoPoWs under Velvet Fork

By andrian

Copy of NIPoPoWs under Velvet Fork

  • 312