Comm. and Internet Technologies

LAN (syllabus)

  • show understanding of a bus topology network and the implications of how packets are
    transmitted between two hosts
  • show understanding of a star topology network and the implications of how packets are
    transmitted between two hosts
  • show understanding of a wireless network
  • explain how hardware is used to support a LAN: switch, router, servers, Network Interface Cards
    (NICs), wireless access points
  • show understanding of Ethernet and how collision detection and avoidance (such as CSMA/CD)

Wireless Network

  • Research and create a table comparing: 
    • Bluetooth (v4)
    • WiFi (802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac)
    • Cellular Networks (1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G)
  • You should include
    • Distance of communication
    • Bandwidth
    • Radio Frequency
    • Other features (e.g. 1G cell network had no data connection capability)

[CSAL] Comm. And Internet Technologies

By Andy tsui

[CSAL] Comm. And Internet Technologies

  • 148