Wondrous Strange: Possible Futures for Resource Sharing


Angela Galvan

Head, Interlibrary Services & Digital Reformatting Specialist

The Ohio State University Health Sciences Library

Indiana Online Users Group, Spring 2015

In this presentation...

I know! You can work Circulation.

Automation and workflow updates are great...

...until you run out of work to do.

What skills are you looking for?

Chances are, ILL can pick that up!

Behold our powers!

  • Discovery issues
  • Reformatting content
  • Metadata
  • Reference
  • Cataloging
  • Resource management
  • Copyright
  • Usability
  • Logistics
  • Digital libraries

BIBFRAME in 5 minutes!

  • Differentiate between content and its physical/digital manifestation(s)

  • Unambiguously identify information entities (e.g., authorities)

  • Leverage and expose relationships between and among entities

Linked Open Data

  • Are our policies on reformatting and content migration keeping up with discovery? 

  • LOD will expose a significant amount of primary source material. Are we prepared to share?

  • Implementation of BIBFRAME will reveal areas for improvement in our policy and relationships. 

Special Collections

  1. Fear and risk. 
  2. "Not part of our mission." 
  3. "We never have." 
  4. Staff time. 



Massie, Dennis. 2013. Tiers for Fears: Sensible, Streamlined Sharing of Special Collections. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Research.


Meaningful Service

Ultimately, resource sharing will continue to be about relationships, maintaining those relationships, and meeting information needs of patrons.

#icanhazPDF r/scholar


Current ILL modes of delivery not conducive to one-off requests.

Meet users where they are.

Gardner, Carolyn and Gardner, Gabriel Bypassing Interlibrary Loan Via Twitter: An Exploration of #icanhazpdf Requests., 2015 . In ACRL 2015, Portland, Oregon , March 25-28, 2015. [Conference paper]

Emerging forms of Scholarship

What about curating data, supplements, and digital humanities? 

Sustainable Scholarly Communication

Faculty requesting their own work is a missed opportunity for intervention and data to seed IRs. 

Before consolidating

Long term agility in addition to short term needs. 

Exploring Reskilling 

  • What tasks do staff enjoy?
  • What do staff wish they could fix instead of referring? 
  • Don't confuse stagnation and satisfaction. 
  • Allow for joyous failure.
  • Grow people and services, rather than creating siloed systems. 

Thanks! Questions? 

@galvan_as     galvan.22@osu.edu

Image Credits 

Possible Futures for Resource Sharing

By A. Scarlet Galvan

Possible Futures for Resource Sharing

Indiana Online Users Group, Spring, 2015

  • 2,676