Fixing ILLiad at

Ohio State for

Health Sciences


Angela Galvan

The Ohio State University

Health Sciences Library 

User experience matters everywhere.

ILL is a service.

It should be awesome and seamless!

"Angela, don't we have to use DOCLINE if we're in health sciences resource sharing?"






*You'll keep it for Lending, if you want.

I wish I would have: 

  • Run an ILLiad database cleanup first.
  • Checked the Billing Manager.
  • Scripted updates for: 
    • Department/Status.
    • Billing Category. 
    • Anything else we needed to harmonize. 

Sample Script

Use OSUData


update LenderAddressesALL set BillingCategory = ‘OS2$10′


where ((BillingCategory like ‘%Default%’)

or (BillingCategory like ‘%OS2 Default$11%’)

or (BillingCategory like ‘%OS2  $10%’))


and NVTGC=’OS2′


Photo CC-BY leg0fenris

X all the Y memes originally by Allie Brosh

ILLiad at OSU

By A. Scarlet Galvan

ILLiad at OSU

Code4Lib Midwest, 2015 (lightning talk).

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